
By any objective standard, the theory of computational complexity ranks as one of the greatest intellectual achievements of humankind — along with fire, the wheel, and computability theory.
Scott Aaronson


My research interests lie in the field of theoretical computer science, and I am particularly interested in (the relations between) complexity theory and symbolic computation. My Erdős number is 3.

I am a member of the French Computer Science and Mathematics learned societies, and of GDR IFM (in particular its computer algebra and complexity and algorithms sections).



See also DBLP, MathSciNet, Hal and arXiv.




July 16-19.
In-place fast polynomial modular remainderISSAC 2024, Raleigh
May 23.
Sparse polynomial interpolation over the integers with an applicationSéminaire de Maths-Info, Toulouse
Jul. 10.
Sparse polynomial interpolationAlgebraic complexity workshop, ICALP, Paderborn
Feb. 11.
Sparse polynomial arithmeticSéminaire de l'équipe CAS³C³, Grenoble
Mar. 2-6.
In-place poynomial arithmeticJNCF 2020, Marseille
Apr. 11.
Memory-efficient polynomial arithmeticSéminaire de l'équipe AriC, LIP, Lyon
Jul. 15-18.
Generic reductions for in-place polynomial multiplicationISSAC 2019, Beijing
Nov. 26.
Memory-efficient polynomial arithmeticSéminaire du LACL, Créteil
March 23.
Root finding over finite fields using Graeffe transformsSéminaire de l'équipe CASYS du LJK, Grenoble
June 28-30.
Root finding over finite fields using Graeffe transformsRAIM 2016, Banyuls
May 12.
Factorization of lacunary polynomialsSéminaires Verimag, Grenoble
Apr. 7.
Factorization of lacunary polynomialsSéminaire DALI, Perpignan
Feb. 7-12.
Bounded-degree factorization of lacunary polynomials (Bonus: PIT algorithms)WACT 2016, Tel Aviv
Nov. 2-6.
Root finding over finite fields using Graeffe transformsJNCF 2015, Cluny
Sept. 21.
Lacunaryx: Computing bounded-degree factors of lacunary polynomialsMathemagix days, LIX, Palaiseau
July 6-9.
Lacunaryx: Computing bounded-degree factors of lacunary polynomialsSoftware demonstration at ISSAC 2015, Bath
Apr. 8.
Root finding over finite fieldsGroupe de travail MC2, LIP, Lyon
Feb. 11.
Root finding over finite fieldsGroupe de travail ECO/Escape, LIRMM, Montpellier
Nov. 3.
Computing low-degree factors of lacunary polynomials: a Newton-Puiseux approachJNCF 2014, Marseille
July 23.
Computing low-degree factors of lacunary polynomials: a Newton-Puiseux approachISSAC 2014, Kobe
June 30 - July 3.
On the complexity of polynomial system solvingXXVèmes rencontres arithmétiques de Caen, Calcul formel et Méthodes effectives en Géométrie algébrique et arithmétique, Île de Tatihou
June 18.
Computing low-degree factors of lacunary polynomials: a Newton-Puiseux approachGroupe de travail MC2, ÉNS Lyon
May 26-30.
Computing low-degree factors of lacunary polynomials: a Newton-Puiseux approachMAP 2014, IHP, Paris
Jan. 24.
Computing low-degree factors of lacunary polynomials: a Newton-Puiseux approachSéminaire de l'équipe MAGMAT du PRiSM, Versailles
Nov. 29-30.
Factoring lacunary polynomials: the easy way2èmes journées du GT CoA, Paris
Oct. 28.
Around Sparse PolynomialsSéminaire commun Max-SpecFun du LIX, Palaiseau
Oct. 7.
Determinantal Representations of PolynomialsSéminaire commun Max-SpecFun du LIX, Palaiseau
Sept. 20.
Complexity of the resultantPolsys Seminar, U. Paris 6
Sept. 19.
Complexity of the resultantSéminaire commun Max-SpecFun du LIX, Palaiseau
June 26-29.
Factoring bivariate lacunary polynomials without heightsISSAC 2013, Boston
June 18.
Representations of polynomials, algorithms and lower boundsSeminar at Århus Universitet, Århus
May 12-17.
Elementary algorithms for the factorization of bivariate lacunary polynomialsJNCF, Marseille
Apr. 18.
Factorization of lacunary polynomialsSéminaire Pampers de l'IRMAR, Rennes
Apr. 8-12.
Factorization of lacunary polynomialsEJC IM 2013, Perpignan
Mar. 14.
Representations of polynomials, algorithms and lower boundsSeminar at Institut Fourier, Grenoble
Feb. 25-26.
Representations of polynomials, algorithms and lower boundsSéminaire ECO du LIRMM, Montpellier
Feb. 1.
Factoring bivariate lacunary polynomials without heightsSéminaire de théorie des nombres du LMNO, Caen
Jan. 14-18.
Factoring bivariate lacunary polynomials without heightsComputational Counting Seminar, Dagstuhl
Nov. 29.
Representations of polynomials, algorithms and lower boundsPhD defense, Lyon
Nov. 21-22.
The real τ-conjecture & lower bounds for the permanentFirst meeting of GT CoA, Paris
July 2-4.
Factoring bivariate lacunary polynomials without heightsMeeting of GT CMF, during the conference How Turing's machine changed the world?, Lyon
Jan. 21-27.
En français : Permanent versus DéterminantSemaine Ski-Études des L3 de l'ENS Lyon, Le Pleynet
Dec. 12-14.
The Limited Power of Powering: Polynomial identity Testing and a Depth-four Lower Bound for the PermanentFSTTCS 2011, IIT Bombay, India
Nov. 14-18.
The Limited Power of Powering: Polynomial identity Testing and a Depth-four Lower Bound for the PermanentJNCF 2011, Marseille
Nov. 14-18.
Symmetric Determinantal Representations of Polynomials in Characteristic 2JNCF 2011, Marseille
Oct. 6-9.
Symmetric Determinantal Representations of PolynomialsSIAM Applied Algebraic Geometry Conference, Raleigh
Mar. 28 - Apr. 1.
En français : Permanent versus DéterminantEJC IM 2011, Amiens
Mar. 10-12.
Symmetric Determinantal Representations of Weakly-Skew CircuitsSTACS 2011, Dortmund
Nov. 30.
Symmetric Determinantal Representations of PolynomialsComputational Counting Seminar, Dagstuhl
Nov. 26.
Symmetric Determinantal Representations of PolynomialsSéminaire de Calcul formel et Complexité de l'IRMAR, Rennes
Nov. 16.
Symmetric Determinantal Representations of PolynomialsSéminaire "Complexité, Logique et Informatique" de l'Équipe de Logique Mathématique de Jussieu, Paris
Sept. 30.
Symmetric Determinantal Representations of PolynomialsAlGCO Seminar at the LIRMM, Montpellier
Aug. 23-27.
The Multivariate Resultant is NP-hard in Any CharacteristicMFCS 2010, Brno
Mar. 29 - Apr. 2.
The Multivariate Resultant is NP-hard in Any CharacteristicEJC IM 2010, Chambéry
Sept. 30.
Hardness of the ResultantVisitors Seminar of the Thematic Program FoCM, Fields Institute, Toronto
June 22-24.
En français Difficulté du résultant et des grands déterminantsMeeting of GT CMF, ÉNS Cachan
Nov. 12.
Acceptable Complexity Measures of TheoremsLIF's seminar, Marseille
Oct. 21 - Nov. 2.
Acceptable Complexity Measures of TheoremsNKS Midwest Conference '08, Bloomington

My coauthors

Last modification : July 17., 2024