Maître de conférences in Computer Science
at Université Grenoble-Alpes
Associate Professor in the IM²AG department.
Researcher in the CAS³C³ group of the LJK.
Computer algebra and algebraic complexity: I am in particular interested in polynomial algorithms, with memory efficiency considerations. More details on the Research section.
I mainly teach algorithms, computer algebra and cryptography. I am also very involved in the trainng of high-scool teachers.
Main teaching this year (complete list, in French):
Bâtiment IMAG (map)
Office 107
Phone: +33 457 421 721
Laboratoire Jean Kuntzmann
Bâtiment IMAG
150 place du Torrent
CS 40700
38 058 Grenoble cedex 9
I use Mastodon.
Last modification : September 5., 2024