Dominique Duval



Dominique Duval. Logical rules are fractions. Unilog 2018, Vichy, 21 June 2018.


Dominique Duval, with Jean-Guillaume Dumas, Burak Ekici, Alexis Laouar, Damien Pous, Jean-Claude Reynaud. From AXIOM down to IMP. AAA 2017, Pisa, 31 March 2017.


Dominique Duval, with Jean-Guillaume Dumas, Burak Ekici, Damien Pous, Jean-Claude Reynaud. Decorated semantics for an imperative language with exceptions.. GdT PLUME, ENS Lyon, 21 March 2016.


Burak Ekici. Certification de programmes avec des effets calculatoires. PhD Thesis, 9 Décembre 2015, LJK, Grenoble.

Dominique Duval, with Jean-Guillaume Dumas, Burak Ekici, Damien Pous, Jean-Claude Reynaud. Relative Hilbert-Post completeness for exceptions. MACIS 2015, Berlin, 12 November 2015.

Andrea Corradini, with Dominique Duval, Rachid Echahed, Frederic Prost, Leila Ribeiro. AGREE - Algebraic Graph Rewriting with Controlled Embedding. ICGT 2015, L'Aquila, 21 July 2015.

Dominique Duval, with Jean-Guillaume Dumas, Burak Ekici, Damien Pous, Jean-Claude Reynaud. Relative Hilbert-Post completeness for exceptions. Géocalisation à Chambéry, 10 June 2015.


Frederic Prost, with Andrea Corradini, Dominique Duval, Rachid Echahed, Leila Ribeiro. AGREE - Algebraic Graph Rewriting with Controlled Embedding. ENS Lyon, 27 November 2014.

Dominique Duval, with Jean-Guillaume Dumas, Burak Ekici, Jean-Claude Reynaud, Damien Pous. The art of lying, with the proof assistant Coq. IFIP WG1.3, Sinaia Meeting, 3 September 2014.

Jean-Guillaume Dumas, with Dominique Duval, Burak Ekici, Jean-Claude Reynaud. Certified proofs in programs involving exceptions. CICM'14, Coimbra, 11 July 2014.

Burak Ekici, with Jean-Guillaume Dumas, Dominique Duval, Damien Pous. Certification of programs with computational effects. CICM'14, Coimbra, 11 July 2014.

Dominique Duval, with Rachid Echahed, Frédéric Prost, Leila Ribeiro. Transformations of Attributed Graphs with Cloning. Séminaire LJK-MAD BIPOP-CASYS, Grenoble, 26 June 2014.

Leila Ribeiro, with Dominique Duval, Rachid Echahed, Frédéric Prost. Transformation of Attributed Structures with Cloning. FASE 2014, Grenoble, 11 April 2014.


Dominique Duval, with Jean-Claude Reynaud, Jean-Guillaume Dumas, Laurent Fousse, César Dominguez. Scalability using effects. SLS 2013, Cambridge (UK), 26 June 2013.


Dominique Duval, with Jean-Guillaume Dumas, Laurent Fousse, Jean-Claude Reynaud. Decorated proofs for states and exceptions. IFIP WG1.3 meeting, Salamanca, June 13., 2012.

Dominique Duval, with Jean-Guillaume Dumas, Laurent Fousse, Jean-Claude Reynaud. Decorated proofs for computational effects: States. ACCAT'12, Tallinn, April 1., 2012.

Dominique Duval, with Rachid Echahed, Frédéric Prost. Graph rewriting with cloning. ANR CLIMT, Grenoble, February 28., 2012.


Dominique Duval, with Jean-Guillaume Dumas, Laurent Fousse, Jean-Claude Reynaud. Designing proof systems from programming features: states and exceptions considered as dual effects. Groupe de travail "Sémantique", PPS, Paris, July 5., 2011. Here is a previous version of this talk, workshop "Réalisabilité à Chambéry", June 14., 2011.

Dominique Duval, with Jean-Guillaume Dumas, Laurent Fousse, Jean-Claude Reynaud. States and exceptions considered as dual effects. ACCAT'11, Sarrebrück, March 27., 2011.

Dominique Duval, with Jean-Guillaume Dumas, Laurent Fousse, Jean-Claude Reynaud. Decorated specifications for states and exceptions. IFIP WG1.3 meeting, Aussois, January 7., 2011.


Dominique Duval, avec César Dominguez, Jean-Guillaume Dumas, Laurent Fousse, Jean-Claude Reynaud. About categorical semantics. Capp Café, Grenoble, October 15., 2010.

Dominique Duval, with Jean-Guillaume Dumas, Laurent Fousse, Jean-Claude Reynaud. States and exceptions are dual effects. Workshop on Categorical Logic, Brno, August 29., 2010. Here is a long version of this talk.

Dominique Duval, avec Jean-Guillaume Dumas, Laurent Fousse, Jean-Claude Reynaud. Les exceptions sont symétriques des états. Séminaire LJK-MAD BIPOP-CASYS, Grenoble, May 6., 2010.

Dominique Duval. Categorical Computer Science. Poster, LJK, January 2010.


Dominique Duval. Deduction and Fractions. Categorical Computer Science, CCS'09, Grenoble, 26 November 2009.

Dominique Duval. Zooms for Effects. IFIP WG1.3 meeting, Udine, September 11., 2009.

Dominique Duval. Sequential products for effects. ACCAT'09, York, March 22., 2009.

Dominique Duval. Un cadre formel pour parler de "logique". Journées GEOCAL-LAC du GDR IM, Lyon, March 17., 2009.

Dominique Duval, avec Rachid Echahed, Frédéric Prost. Réécriture de graphes. Séminaire LJK-MAD BIPOP-CASYS, Grenoble, February 12., 2009.


Dominique Duval, avec Jean-Claude Reynaud, Christian Lair, Jean-Guillaume Dumas. Logiques diagrammatiques et effets de bord. Groupe de travail Sémantique et Réalisabilité, équipe PPS, Paris, June 17., 2008.

Dominique Duval, avec Jean-Claude Reynaud, Jean-Guillaume Dumas, Laurent Fousse. Un problème de point-virgule. Séminaire MAD, Grenoble, May 29., 2008.

Dominique Duval, with Rachid Echahed and Frédéric Prost. A double-pushout approach for modeling pointer redirection. IFIP WG1.3 meeting, January 18., 2008.


Dominique Duval, with Jean-Guillaume Dumas and Jean-Claude Reynaud. Sequential products in effect categories, Journées ARROWS, Nancy, June 7., 2007.

Dominique Duval. Sémantiques pour un langage impératif. Colloquium du LACO, Limoges, February 23., 2007.


Dominique Duval, with Rachid Echahed and Frédéric Prost. Méthodes catégoriques pour la réécriture de graphes. Journées ARROWS, Grenoble, November 28., 2006.

Dominique Duval. Dessiner des raisonnements. Séminaire MOSAIC, LMC-IMAG, Grenoble, June 29., 2006.

Dominique Duval, partly with Christian Lair. The category of diagrammatic logics. Ifip WG1.3 meeting, June 3., 2006.

Dominique Duval, with Jean-Claude Reynaud. About raising and handling exceptions. WADT'06, June 1., 2006.

Jean-Guillaume Dumas et Dominique Duval. DML. Vers une modélisation diagrammatique de la bibliothèque C++ d'algèbre linéaire LinBox. LMO'06, March 22., 2006


Dominique Duval, with Christian Lair and Jean-Claude Reynaud. Diagrammatic logic and effects:  the example of exceptions MAP'05, January 13., 2005.


Dominique Duval, with Christian Lair and Hélène Kirchner. An Introduction to Diagrammatic Specifications. MAP'04, January 14., 2004.