Introduction to cryptology

M1 MoSIG, INFO and AM, U. Grenoble Alpes

The documents are gradually made available. In the meantime, documents from previous years may be useful. Note that for 2024, the documents for the first part of the course are available on Pierre Karpman’s webpage.


  1. Introduction
  2. Block ciphers: passive encryption of small messages
  3. Symmetric encryption: passive encryption with small shared secret
  4. Hash functions: Swiss Army knife of cryptography
  5. Message authentication codes & Authenticated encryption: authentication with small shared secret
  6. Key exchange: share a secret
  7. Public-key encryption: passive encryption without shared secret
  8. Digital signatures: authentication without shared secret
  9. RSA ecosystem: public-key encryption and signatures
  10. Transport Layer Security (TLS): putting it all together

Previous years

Exercise sheets

Previous years



Some additional documents

(other documents may appear later)


Very good textbook, unfortunately quite expensive.

A slightly more difficult resource, but available for free and legally online.

More theoretical presentation, for complexity theory lovers!

From the webpage: “The Joy of Cryptography is a free undergraduate-level textbook that introduces students to the fundamentals of provable security.”

Last modification : December 2., 2024