Dominique Duval

Publications --- DBLP


Dominique Duval, Rachid Echahed, Frédéric Prost. Querying RDF Databases with Sub-CONSTRUCTs. arXiv:2106.12240, Proc. 9th SCSS, EPTCS 342 (2021) arXiv:2109.02501.


Andrea Corradini, Dominique Duval, Rachid Echahed, Frédéric Prost, Leila Ribeiro. Algebraic graph rewriting with controlled embedding. Theoretical Computer Science 802: 19-37 (2020).

Dominique Duval. Logical Rules as Fractions and Logics as Sketches. Logica Universalis 14: 395-405 (2020).

Dominique Duval, Rachid Echahed, Frédéric Prost. An Algebraic Graph Transformation Approach for RDF and SPARQL. GCM@STAF 2020: 55-70 (2020).

Dominique Duval, Rachid Echahed, Frédéric Prost. All You Need Is CONSTRUCT. arXiv:2010.00843.


Dominique Duval, Rachid Echahed, Frédéric Prost. On foundational aspects of RDF and SPARQL. arXiv:1910.07519 .

Andrea Corradini, Dominique Duval, Rachid Echahed, Frédéric Prost, Leila Ribeiro. The PBPO graph transformation approach. Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming (JLAMP) 103 p.213-231 (2019). DOI: 10.1016/j.jlamp.2018.12.003.


Dominique Duval. Logical rules as fractions and logics as sketches. arXiv:1807.01620.

Andrea Corradini, Dominique Duval, Michael Löwe, Leila Ribeiro, Rodrigo Machado, Andrei Costa, Guilherme Grochau Azzi, Jonas Santos Bezerra, Leonardo Marques Rodrigues. On the Essence of Parallel Independence for the Double-Pushout and Sesqui-Pushout Approaches. Graph Transformation, Specifications, and Nets 2018. In Memory of Hartmut Ehrig. LNCS 10800 p.1-18.


Andrea Corradini, Dominique Duval, Rachid Echahed, Frédéric Prost, Leila Ribeiro. The Pullback-Pushout Approach to Algebraic Graph Transformation. ICGT 2017. p.3-19.


Andrea Corradini, Dominique Duval, Frédéric Prost, Leila Ribeiro. Parallelism in AGREE Transformations. ICGT 2016. p.37-53.

Jean-Guillaume Dumas, Dominique Duval, Burak Ekici, Damien Pous, Jean-Claude Reynaud. Relative Hilbert-Post Completeness for Exceptions. MACIS 2015. LNCS 9582 p.596-610.


Andrea Corradini, Dominique Duval, Rachid Echahed, Frédéric Prost, Leila Ribeiro. AGREE - Algebraic Graph Rewriting with Controlled Embedding. ICGT 2015. LNCS 9151 p.35-51 (2015). arXiv:1411.4597 (long version).

Jean-Guillaume Dumas, Dominique Duval, Burak Ekici, Damien Pous, Jean-Claude Reynaud. Hilbert-Post completeness for the state and the exception effects. arXiv:1503.00948.


Jean-Guillaume Dumas, Dominique Duval, Burak Ekici, Damien Pous. Formal verification in Coq of program properties involving the global state effect. JFLA 2014. arXiv:1310.0794.

Jean-Guillaume Dumas, Dominique Duval, Burak Ekici, Jean-Claude Reynaud. Certified Proofs in Programs Involving Exceptions. CICM 2014. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 1186 (2014).

Jean-Guillaume Dumas, Dominique Duval, Burak Ekici, Damien Pous. Program certification with computational effects. arXiv:1411.7140.

Jean-Guillaume Dumas, Dominique Duval, Jean-Claude Reynaud. Breaking a monad-comonad symmetry between computational effects. arXiv:1402.1051.

Dominique Duval, Rachid Echahed, Frederic Prost, Leila Ribeiro. Transformation of Attributed Structures with Cloning. FASE 2014. LNCS 8411 p.310-324. arXiv:1401.2751 (long version).


Jean-Guillaume Dumas, Dominique Duval, Jean-Claude Reynaud. A decorated proof system for exceptions arXiv:1310.2338.

Jean-Guillaume Dumas, Dominique Duval, Jean-Claude Reynaud. Patterns for computational effects arising from a monad or a comonad. arXiv:1310.0605.

Dominique Duval. Scalability using effects. SLS 2013 (extended abstract).

Dominique Duval. Deduction as Reduction, from a categorical point of view. Logica Universalis Vol. 7 No. 3 p. 275-289 (2013).


Jean-Guillaume Dumas, Dominique Duval, Laurent Fousse, Jean-Claude Reynaud. Adjunctions for exceptions. [hal-00714710] arXiv:1207.1255.

Dominique Duval, Rachid Echahed, Frédéric Prost. Graph Transformation with Focus on Incident Edges. ICGT 2012. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7562 p.156-171 (2012). (preprint).

Jean-Guillaume Dumas, Dominique Duval, Laurent Fousse, Jean-Claude Reynaud. Decorated proofs for computational effects: Exceptions. [hal-00678738] arXiv:1203.2900. Now superseded by arXiv:1207.1255.

Jean-Guillaume Dumas, Dominique Duval, Laurent Fousse, Jean-Claude Reynaud. Decorated proofs for computational effects: States. ACCAT 2012. Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science (EPTCS) 93 p.45-59 (2012). [hal-00650269] arXiv:1112.2396.

Jean-Guillaume Dumas, Dominique Duval, Laurent Fousse, Jean-Claude Reynaud. A duality between exceptions and states. [hal-00650260] arXiv:1112.2394. Mathematical Structures for Computer Science (MSCS) 22 (4) p.719-722 (2012). DOI: 10.1017/S0960129511000752.

César Domínguez, Dominique Duval. A parameterization process: from a functorial point of view. International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science (IJFCS) 23 p.225-242 (2012). Preliminary version [hal-00411936] arXiv:0908.4491.


Jean-Guillaume Dumas, Dominique Duval, Laurent Fousse, Jean-Claude Reynaud. States and exceptions considered as dual effects. [hal-00445873] arXiv:1001.1662v4. Now superseded by arXiv:1112.2396, arXiv:1112.2394, arXiv:1207.1255.

Dominique Duval, Rachid Echahed, Frédéric Prost. Categorical Abstract Rewriting Systems and Functoriality of Graph Transformation. GT-VMT'11. Electronic Communication of the European Association of Software Science and Technology, Volume 41 (2011). (pdf). Preprint: arXiv:1101.3417.

Jean-Guillaume Dumas, Dominique Duval, Jean-Claude Reynaud. Cartesian effect categories are Freyd-categories. Journal of Symbolic Computation 46 p. 272-293 (2011) [hal-00369328] arXiv:0903.3311.


César Domínguez, Dominique Duval. Diagrammatic logic applied to a parameterization process. Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 20(04) p. 639-654 (2010). Cambridge University Press [hal-00411069] arXiv:0908.3737.


Dominique Duval, Rachid Echahed, Frédéric Prost. A Heterogeneous Pushout Approach to Term-Graph Transformation. RTA'09. Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5595 p. 194-208 (2009).

Dominique Duval, Rachid Echahed, Frédéric Prost. Graph rewriting with polarized cloning. [hal-00433379] arXiv:0911.3786 (2009).

Dominique Duval. How to combine diagrammatic logics. [hal-00432330] arXiv:0911.3005 (2009).

César Domínguez, Dominique Duval. A parameterization process as a categorical construction. [hal-00411069] arXiv:0908.3634 (2009).


Dominique Duval, Rachid Echahed, Frédéric Prost. A Cloning Pushout Approach to Term-Graph Transformation. [hal-00340202] arXiv:0811.3400 (2008).


Dominique Duval. Diagrammatic inference. [hal-00177075] arXiv:0710.1208 (2007).

Jean-Guillaume Dumas, Dominique Duval, Jean-Claude Reynaud. Sequential products in effect categories. [hal-00161303] arXiv:0707.1432 (2007).

Dominique Duval, Rachid Echahed, Frédéric Prost. Adjunction for Garbage Collection with Application to Graph Rewriting. Proceedings of Rewriting Techniques and Application 2007 (RTA'07). Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4533 p. 122-136 (2007).

Dominique Duval, Rachid Echahed, Frédéric Prost. Modeling pointer redirection as cyclic term-graph rewriting. In Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Term Graph Rewriting (TERMGRAPH'06). Electronic Notes in Computer Science 176 p. 65-84 (2007).


Dominique Duval, Jean-Claude Reynaud. About raising and handling exceptions. [hal-00389167] arXiv:0905.4596 (2006).

Jean-Guillaume Dumas, Dominique Duval. Vers une modélisation diagrammatique de la bibliothèque C++ d'algèbre linéaire LinBox. Actes de la conférence Langages et Modèles à Objet (LMO'06). Hermès-Lavoisier p.117-132 (2006).


Dominique Duval, Rachid Echahed, Frederic Prost. Data-Structure Rewriting. arXiv:cs/0503065 (2005).

César Domínguez, Dominique Duval, Laureano Lamban, Julio Rubio Garcia. Towards Diagrammatic Specifications of Symbolic Computation Systems Mathematics, Algorithms, Proofs. T. Coquand, H. Lombardi, M. Roy (Eds.). Dagstuhl Seminar 05021, 09.01.-14.01.2005.

Dominique Duval, Jean-Claude Reynaud. Dynamic logic and exceptions: an introduction. Mathematics, Algorithms, Proofs. T. Coquand, H. Lombardi, M. Roy (Eds.). Dagstuhl Seminar 05021, 09.01.-14.01.2005.


Dominique Duval, Jean-Claude Reynaud. Diagrammatic logic and effects : the example of exceptions. Rapport de Recherche (21 décembre 2004) ccsd-00004129.


Dominique Duval, Hélène Kirchner, Christian Lair. Subtypes and Subsorts in Overloaded Specifications. Rapport de Recherche IMAG-LMC 1058 I (2003).

Dominique Duval, Christian Lair, Catherine Oriat, Jean-Claude Reynaud. A zooming process for specifications, with an application to exceptions Rapport de Recherche IMAG-LMC 1055 I (2003).

Dominique Duval. Diagrammatic Specifications. Mathematical Structures in Computer Science (13) 857-890 (2003). Cambridge University Press.


Dominique Duval, Christian Lair. Diagrammatic Specifications. Rapport de Recherche IMAG-LMC 1043 M (2002).

2001 and before

Christian Lair, Dominique Duval. Esquisses et spécifications, Manuel de référence. Quatrième partie : Fibrations et Eclatements, Lemmes de Yoneda et Modèles Engendrés. Rapport de Recherche du LACO 2001-03 (2001).

Christian Lair, Dominique Duval. Sketches and specifications: Reference Manual. Third part: Models. Rapport de Recherche du LACO 2000-07 (2000).

Christian Lair, Dominique Duval. Sketches and specifications: Reference Manual. Second part: Projective sketches. Rapport de Recherche du LACO 2000-06 (2000).

Christian Lair, Dominique Duval. Sketches and specifications: Reference Manual. First part: Compositive graphs. Rapport de Recherche du LACO 2000-05 (2000).

Dominique Duval, Christian Lair. Sketches and specifications: User's Guide. Second part: Mosaics for implicit specifications. Rapport de Recherche du LACO 2000-04 (2000).

Dominique Duval, Christian Lair. Sketches and specifications: User's Guide. First part: Wefts for explicit specifications. Rapport de Recherche du LACO 2000-03 (2000).

Dominique Duval, Christian Lair. Mosaics for Specifications with Implicit State Rapport de Recherche du LACO 2000-02 (2000).

Dominique Duval, Christian Lair. Towards Soft Typing in Computer Algebra. Rapport de Recherche du LACO 1998-07 (1998).

Dominique Duval. Calcul symbolique : automatisation en cours. La Recherche (291) 64-71 (oct. 1996), repris dans le numéro hors-série "L'univers des nombres" (aout 1999).

Dominique Duval, Jean-Claude Reynaud. Sketches and computations over fields. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation (42) 363-373 (1996).

Dominique Duval, Laureano Gonzalez Vega. Dynamic evaluation and real closure. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation (42) 551-560 (1996).

Dominique Duval, Teresa Gomez Diaz. A lazy method for triangularizing polynomial systems. Publication du LACO 1995-04 (1995).

Dominique Duval. Symbolic or algebraic computation? Publication du LACO 1995-03 (1995).

Dominique Duval. Evaluation dynamique et clôture algébrique en Axiom. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra (99) 267-295 (1995).

Dominique Duval. Algebraic numbers : an example of dynamic evaluation. Journal of Symbolic Computation (18) 429-445 (1994).

Dominique Duval, Jean-Claude Reynaud. Sketches and computation (Part II): Dynamic Evaluation and Applications. Mathematical Structures in Computer Science (4) 239-271 (1994).

Dominique Duval, Jean-Claude Reynaud. Sketches and computation (Part I): Basic Definitions and Static Evaluation. Mathematical Structures in Computer Science (4) 185-238 (1994).

Dominique Duval, Pascale Sénéchaud. Sketches and parametrization. Theoretical Computer Science (123) 117-130 (1994).

Dominique Duval, Françoise Jung. Examples of problem solving using computer algebra. Programming environments for high-level scientific problem solving, IFIP Transactions A-2. North-Holland 133-141 (1992).

Dominique Duval. Nombres algébriques et calcul formel. Bulletin INRIA (130) 26-28 (1991).

Dominique Duval, Jean-Claude Reynaud. Sketches and computation. RR 871-I-IMAG-123-LIFIA (1991).

Dominique Duval. Absolute factorization of polynomials : a geometric approach. SIAM Journal on Computing (20) 1-21 (1991).

Dominique Duval. Simultaneous computations in fields of arbitrary characteristic. In: Computers and Mathematics 89, Springer 321-326 (1989).

Claire Di Crescenzo, Dominique Duval. Algebraic extension and algebraic closure in Scratchpad. In: Symbolic and algebraic computation, Springer LNCS (358) 440-446 (1989).

Dominique Duval, Marie-Françoise Roy. Curves and computer algebra. In: Geometry and robotics, Springer LNCS (391) 8-42 (1989).

Dominique Duval. Rational Puiseux expansions. Compositio mathematica (70) 119-154 (1989). NUMDAM

Claire Di Crescenzo, Dominique Duval. Algebraic computation on algebraic numbers. In: Computers and computing, Masson-Wiley 54-61 (1985).

Jean Della Dora, Claire Dicrescenzo, Dominique Duval. About a new method for computing in algebraic number fields In: Eurocal'85, Springer LNCS (204) 289-290 (1985).

Claire Dicrescenzo, Dominique Duval. Computations on curves. In: Eurosam'84, Springer LNCS (174) 100-107 (1984).

Dominique Duval. Sur la structure galoisienne du groupe des unités d'un corps abélien de type (p,p). Journal of Number Theory (13) 228-245 (1981).