G.-H. Cottet's publications

(for a more complete list, citations and bibtex entries click here)

G.-H. Cottet  WENO semi-lagrangian particle methods, preprint, 2023. pdf file

S. Santoso, J.-B. Lagaert, G. Balarac and G.-H. Cottet  An hybrid particle/grid method for the study of differential diffusion, Computers and Fluids, 227, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compfluid.2021.10501. pdf file

J.-B. Keck, G.-H. Cottet, E. Meiburg, I. Mortazavi and C. Picard  Double-diffusive sedimentation at high Schmidt numbers: Semi-Lagrangian simulations, Physical Review Fluids,6, 2021. pdf file

G.-H. Cottet, E. Maitre et T. Milcent  Méthodes Level Set pour l'interaction fluide-structure , Springer Verlag, 2021.

G.-H. Cottet  Semi-Lagrangian particles or 6D Vlasov on single core , Workshop on Méthodes numériques pour les plasmas, Marseille, November 2018. pdf file

G.-H. Cottet  Semi-Lagrangian particle methods for high-dimensional Vlasov-Poisson systems, Journal of Computational Physics, 365, 362-375, 2018. pdf file

C. Mimeau, I. Mortazavi and G.-H. Cottet  Passive control of the flow around a hemisphere using porous media, European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids, 65, 213-226, 2017. pdf file

G.-H. Cottet  High order semi-lagrangian particle methods, International Conference on High Order and Spectral Methods (ICOSAHOM 2016), June 2016, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. pdf file

G.-H. Cottet  Semi-lagrangian particle methods for hyperbolic equations, XVI International Conference on Hyperbolic Problems (HYP 2016), Aug 2016, Aix-la-Chapelle, Germany. pdf file

C. Mimeau, G.-H. Cottet and I. Mortazavi  Direct numerical simulations of three-dimensional flows past obstacles with a vortex penalization method, Computers and Fluids (2016), pp. 331-347. pdf file

G.-H. Cottet and E. Maitre  A semi-implicit level set method for multiphase flows and fluid-structure interaction problems, Journal of Computational Physics (2016), pp. 80-92. pdf file

C. Mimeau, F. Gallizio, G.-H. Cottet and I. Mortazavi  Vortex penalization method for bluff body flows, International Journal of Numerical Methods in Fluids, 79, 55-83, 2015. pdf file

C. Mimeau, I. Mortazavi and G.-H. Cottet,  Passive flow control around a semi-circular cylinder using porous coatings, International Journal of Flow Control, 6, 43-50, 2014. pdf file

G.-H. Cottet, J.-M. Etancelin, F. Perignon and C. Picard,  High order Semi-Lagrangian particles for transport equations: numerical analysis and implementation issues, ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, 48, 1029-1060, 2014. doi, pdf file

J.-M. Etancelin, G.-H. Cottet, F. Perignon and C. Picard,  Multi-CPU and multi-GPU hybrid computations of multi-scale scalar transport, 26th International Conference on Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics, 2014, Trondheim, abstract

G. Balarac, G.-H. Cottet, J.-M Etancelin, J.-B. Lagaert, F. Perignon, C. Picard, Multi-scale problems, high performance computing and hybrid numerical methods, Proceedings of Forum "Math-for-Industry" 2013, Springer Verlag, (11p.) 2014. pdf file

J.-B. Lagaert, G. Balarac and G.-H. Cottet,  Hybrid spectral particle method for the turbulent transport of a passive scalar, J. Comp. Phys., 260, 127-142, 2014. pdf file

J.-B. Lagaert, G. Balarac and G.-H. Cottet,  Particle method: an efficient tool for direct numerical simulations of a high Schmidt number passive scalar in turbulent flow, Proceedings of the Summer Program, Center of Turbulence Research, Stanford, 167-176, 2012. pdf file

A. Magni and G.-H. Cottet,  Accurate, non-oscillatory remeshing schemes for particle methods, J. Comput. Phys., 231 (1), 152–172, 2012. pdf file

J. Rasmussen, G.-H. Cottet and J. Walther,  A multiresolution remeshed Vortex-In-Cell algorithm using patches,  J. Comput. Phys., 230, 6742–6755, 2011. pdf file

C. Bost, G.-H. Cottet and E. Maitre,  Convergence analysis of a penalization method for the three-dimensional motion of a rigid body in an incompressible viscous fluid,  SIAM J. Num. Anal., 48(4), 1313-1337, 2010. pdf file

D. Rossinelli, M. Bergdorf, G.-H. Cottet and P. Koumoutsakos, GPU accelerated simulations of bluff body flows using vortex methods, J. Comput. Phys., 229 (9), 3316–3333, 2010. pdf file

G.-H. Cottet, G. Balarac and M. Coquerelle,  Subgrid particle resolution for the turbulent transport of a passive scalar,   Advances in Turbulence XII, Proceedings of the 12th EUROMECH European Turbulence Conference, September 7-10, 2009, Marburg, Germany, Eckhardt, Bruno (Ed.), Springer Proceedings in Physics, Vol. 132, 779-782, 2009. pdf file

G.-H. Cottet and A. Magni,  TVD remeshing schemes for particle methods,   C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I, 347 (2009). pdf file

P. Koumoutsakos, G.-H. Cottet and D. Rossinelli, Flow Simulations using particles - Bridging Computer Graphics and CFD,  Lecture Notes, SIGGRAPH 2008, Los Angeles, August 2008.
pdf file (46Mb) and class presentations.

M. Coquerelle and G.-H. Cottet,  A vortex level set method for the two-way coupling of an incompressible fluid with colliding rigid bodies, J. Comp. Phys.,  227, 9121-9137, 2008. pdf file

E. Maitre, T. Milcent, G.-H. Cottet, A. Raoult and Y. Usson,  Applications of level set methods in computational biophysics,  Math. & Computer Modelling, 2008. pdf file

G.-H. Cottet, E. Maitre and T. Milcent, Eulerian formulation and level set models for incompressible fluid-structure interaction, M2AN (42) 2008, 471-492. pdf file

P. Poncet, R. Hildebrand, G.-H. Cottet and P. Koumoutsakos, Spatially distributed control for optimal drag reduction of the flow past a circular cylinder, J. Fluid Mech., 599, 111-120, 2008. pdf file

P Chatelain, G.-H. Cottet and P. Koumoutsakos,  Particle-mesh hydrodynamics and astrophysics simulations,  International Journal of Modern Physics C, 18, 610-618, 2007. pdf file

M. Coquerelle, J. Allard, G.-H. Cottet and M.-P. Cani,  A vortex method for bi-phasic fluids interacting with rigid bodies,  Arxiv preprint math. NA/060759, 2006. https://hal.ccsd.cnrs.fr/ccsd-00087126

G.-H. Cottet and L. Weynans,  Particle methods revisited: a class of high-order finite-difference schemes,   C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 343, 51-56, 2006.  pdf file

G.-H. Cottet and E. Maitre ,  A level set method for fluid-structure interactions with immersed surfaces,   Mathematical Models and Methods in the Applied Sciences,  16, 415-438, 2006. pdf file

G.-H. Cottet, E. Maitre and T. Milcent,  An Eulerian method for fluid-structure interaction with biophysical applications,   ECCOMAS CFD Conference, 2006.  pdf file

P. Poncet, G.-H. Cottet and P. Koumoutsakos,  Control of three-dimensional wakes using evolution strategies,   C. R. Mecanique 333 (2005),  65-77,  2005. pdf file

M. Bergdorf, G.-H. Cottet and P. Koumoutsakos,   Multilevel Adaptive Particle Methods for Convection-Diffusion Equations,   SIAM Multiscale Modeling and Simulation,  4,  328-357,  2005. pdf file

G.-H. Cottet and E. Maitre,  A level-set formulation of immersed boundary methods for fluid-structure interaction problems,   C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 338,  581-586, 2004.
pdf file( 176 Ko)

G.-H. Cottet and P. Poncet,  Advances in direct numerical simulations of 3D wall-bounded flows by Vortex-in-Cell methods,   J. Comp. Phys.,  193,  136-158, 2004. pdf file

G.-H. Cottet and P. Poncet, Simulation and control of three-dimensional wakes,   Computers and fluids,  33,  97-713,  2004. pdf file

G.-H. Cottet,  Multi-physics and particle methods,  in Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, 1296-8, Elsevier,  2003. pdf file

G.-H. Cottet,  Particle methods for CFD, Lecture notes for Summer school "Advances for CFD for industrial and geophysical turbulence", Autrans 2003. pdf file

C. Albuquerque and G.-H. Cottet, Coupling finite difference methods and integral formulas for elliptic problems arising in fluid mechanics,   Numerical methods for PDE,  20,  199-229,  2003. pdf file

G.-H. Cottet,  A particle model for fluid-structure interaction,  C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 3,  833-838,  2002. pdf file

G.-H. Cottet and P. Poncet,  Particle methods for direct numerical simulations of three-dimensional wakes,  Journal of Turbulence, 3,  2002. pdf file

G.-H. Cottet, D. Jiroveanu and B. Michaux, Vorticity dynamics and turbulence models for large-eddy simulations,  M2AN, 37, 187-207, 2003. pdf file

G.-H. Cottet, B. Michaux, S.Ossia and G. Vanderlinden, A comparison of spectral and vortex methods in three-dimensional incompressible flows,  J. Comp. Phys, 175, 2002. pdf file

G. Vanderlinden, Simulation de turbulence par methode particulaire ,  Internal report, LMC-IMAG, 1998. gzipped postscript file

G.-H. Cottet, D. Jiroveanu, and B. Michaux, Simulations des grandes échelles: apsects mathématiques et numériques,  In 32e Congres National d'Analyse Numérique, Port d'Albret, Juin 2000,  ESAIM: Proceedings, 11, 85-95, 2002. pdf file

G.-H. Cottet, I. Sbalzarini, S. Muller and P. Koumoutsakos, Optimization of trailing vortices by Evolution Strategies,  Center for Turbulence Research, Proceedings of the Summer Program, 2000. pdf file

G.-H. Cottet, P. Koumoutsakos and M. Ould-Salihi, Vortex methods with spatially varying cores,  J. Comp. Phys., 162, 164-185, 2000. pdf  file

M. Ould-Salihi, G.-H. Cottet and M. El Hamraoui, Blending finite-difference and vortex methods for incompressible flow computations ,   SIAM J. Sci. Comp., 22, 1655-1674, 2000. pdf file

G.-H. Cottet and P. Koumoutsakos, Vortex methods: theory and practice, Cambridge University Press, 2000.

A. Giovannini, G.-H. Cottet, Y. Gagnon, A. Ghoniem and E. Meiburg (eds.), Vortex flows and related numerical methods III, ESAIM Proceedings, 7, 1999

G.-H. Cottet,  3D Vortex methods: achievements and challenges ,   Proceedings of the First Intl Conf. on vortex methods, Kobe, Japan, 1999.
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G.-H. Cottet and M. El Ayyadi,  A Volterra type model for image processing,   IEEE Transactions on image processing, 7, 1998. pdf file

G.-H. Cottet, Neural networks: continuous approach and applications to image processing, J. Biological Systems, 3, 1995.  pdf file

G.-H. Cottet and O.V. Vasilyev,  Comparison of dynamic Smagorinsky and anisotropic subgrid-scale models, Center for Turbulence Research, Proceedings of the Summer Program 1998, pp 389-397. pdf file

G.-H. Cottet and A.A Wray,  Anisotropic grid-based formulas for subgrid-scale models, in Annual Research Briefs,Center for Turbulence Research, Stanford, 1997.  pdf file 

G.-H. Cottet, Anisotropic subgrid-scale numerical schemes for Large Eddy Simulations of turbulent flows, preprint, 1997. pdf file

G-H. Cottet,  Artificial viscosity models for vortex and particle methods, J. Comp. Phys.,  127, 1996. pdf file 

Y. Gagnon, G.-H. Cottet, D. Dritschel, A. Ghoniem and E. Meiburg (eds.), Vortex flows and related numerical methods II, ESAIM Proceedings, 1, 1996

G.-H. Cottet,  A vorticity creation algorithm for the Navier-Stokes equations in arbitrary domain, in Navier-Stokes equations and Related Nonlinear Problems, A. Sequeira (ed.),   Plenum Press, 1995.
gzipped ps file 

Y. Brenier and G.-H. Cottet, Convergence of particle methods with random rezoning for the 2D  Euler an Navier-Stokes equations, SIAM J. Num. Anal., 32, 1995. gzipped ps file

G.-H. Cottet and L. Germain, Image Processing through Reaction Combined with Nonlinear Diffusion, Mathematics of Computation, 61, 659-673, 1993. pdf