C++ main module for emicrom Package  1.0
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CCORE_ArrayThis class describes an array
 CCORE_Array2DThis class describes an array of arrays ordered by rows The array like this 0 1 2 3 4
 CCORE_Array3DThis class describes an array of arrays stored as follow:
 CCORE_ClassFactoryThis class describes a class factory to generate classes for User Interface Software
 CCORE_ColorThis class describes color
 CCORE_CommandLineThis class is the class to manage CORE from command line
 CCORE_ComplexThis class describes a complex
 CCORE_ExceptionThis class describes the exceptions raised for CORE package
 CCORE_FileThis class describes a file
 CCORE_IntegerThis class describes an integer
 CCORE_IOThis class describes the IO class
 CCORE_IORunThis class is a Run class for Common/IO package
 CCORE_IOTestThis class is a test class for common/io package
 CCORE_ListThis class describes a list interface
 CCORE_MapThis class describes a map
 CCORE_MorseArrayThis class describes a general morse array of size N. A morse array is composed by
 CCORE_MorseArrayConstIteratorThis class describes a more array iterator
 CCORE_MorseArrayIteratorThis class describes a more array iterator
 CCORE_ObjectAbstract base class for most classes
 CCORE_OutThis class describes the output by default write on standart output
 CCORE_ReadingFileThis class describes a file open for reading
 CCORE_RealThis class describes a real Attributes:
 CCORE_RunThis class is a Run class for Common package
 CCORE_SharedPointersArrayClass CORE_SharedPointersArray is a list of shared pointers
 CCORE_SharedPointersKVMapThis class describes a map: shared pointer of Key -> shared pointer of Value
 CCORE_SharedPointersListClass CORE_SharedPointersList is a list of shared pointers
 CCORE_SharedPointersListVMapThis class describes a map: primitive type of Key -> shared pointer of list of Value
 CCORE_SharedPointersMatrixClass CORE_SharedPointersMatrix is a matrix of shared pointers Matrix is a vector of shared pointer of T
 CCORE_SharedPointersVMapThis class describes a map: primitive type of Key -> shared pointer of Value
 CCORE_StringThis class describes a string
 CCORE_StringArrayListThis class describes an array of string viewed as a list
 CCORE_TestThis class is a test class for common package
 CCORE_ThreadThis class describes a program routine analyser
 CCORE_TimeThis class describes a time class
 CCORE_VectorThis class describes an array
 CCORE_VectorReaderThis class describes a reader for vector value
 CCORE_WeakPointersArrayClass CORE_WeakPointersArray is an array of weak pointers
 CCORE_WeakPointersListClass CORE_WeakPointersList is a list of weak shared pointers
 CCORE_WritingFileThis class describes a writing file
 CEMM_2PackedSymmetricTensorsThis class describes a morse array of symmetric tensors of 2 order in packed form
 CEMM_2TensorsThis class describes a morse array of tensors of 2 order
 CEMM_4SymmetricTensorsThis class describes a morse array of symmetric tensors of 4 order
 CEMM_4TensorsThis class describes a morse array of tensors of 4 order
 CEMM_AnisotropyDirectionsFieldThis class describes the field of directions of anisotropy This fields contains 2 arrays :
 CEMM_AnisotropyOperatorThis class describes the mixed anistropy operators of the landau lifschitz system EMM_LandauLifschitzSystem
 CEMM_ArrayThis class describes a general array
 CEMM_BlockEquilibriumMatrixThis class describes the equilibrium matrix coressponding to the linear symmetric definite positive operator $ A(U)=div(\lambda^e:\epsilon(U))$
 CEMM_BlockMassMatrixThis class describes the mass matrix $ A_{ij}= \int_{\omega} \Phi_i(x). \Phi_j(x) dx $ where $ \Phi_i $ is the Q1 function which is 1 on the point i and 0 otherwise
 CEMM_BrentIterativeTimeStepThis class compute the new time step by optimizing a function EMM_LandauLisfchitzSystem::computeEnergyAtTime() within the optimizeTimeFunction() method as the quadratic / golden number optimization. See https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_71_0/libs/math/doc/html/math_toolkit/brent_minima.html
 CEMM_CanonicalMassMatrixThis class describes the mass matrix $ A_{ij}= \int_{\omega} \Phi_i(x). \Phi_j(x) dx $ where $ \Phi_i $ is the P1 function with is 1 on the point i and 0 otherwise
 CEMM_CaseTestThis class is a test class for testing interesting real cases
 CEMM_ClassFactoryThis class describes a class factory to generate classes for the E-MicromM Package
 CEMM_CondensedMassMatrixThis class describes the condensed mass matrix $ A_{ij}= \int_{\omega} \Phi_i(x). \Phi_j(x) dx = \delta_{ij} . |\omega| $ where $ \Phi_i $ is the P1 function with is 1 on the point i and 0 otherwise
 CEMM_CubicAnisotropyOperatorThis class describes the cubic anistropy operator of the landau lifschitz system EMM_LandauLifschitzSystem
 CEMM_CubicElasticMatterThis class describes an cubic elastic matter for E-MicroM package
 CEMM_DemagnetizedOperatorThis class describes the linear demagnetized operator of the Landau Lifschitz system EMM_LandauLifschitzSystem
 CEMM_DemagnetizedPeriodicalTestThis class is a test class for testing demagnetized operator in periodical domain
 CEMM_DemagnetizedTestThis class is a test class for testing primary methods for magnetostriction operator
 CEMM_DisplacementFEMOperatorThis class describes the displacement operator defined on the points of the mesh
 CEMM_DisplacementFieldsTestThis class is a test class for testing displacement fields computation methods for displacement operators
 CEMM_DisplacementFVM_SSGROperatorThis class describes the displacement operator defined on the cells of the mesh with Surface Gradient Reconstruction
 CEMM_DisplacementFVM_STEGROperatorThis class describes the displacement operator defined on the cells of the mesh with Surface Gradient Reconstruction
 CEMM_DisplacementFVM_VGROperatorThis class describes the displacement operator defined on the cells of the mesh with Volume Gradient Reconstruction
 CEMM_DisplacementFVM_VIGROperatorThis class describes the displacement operator defined on the cells of the mesh with Volume Gradient Reconstruction based on global vertices interpolation
 CEMM_DisplacementFVM_VOGGROperatorThis class describes the method to interpolate U on points, faces and cells
 CEMM_DisplacementFVM_VTEGROperatorThis class describes the displacement operator defined on the cells of the mesh with Volume Gradient Reconstruction
 CEMM_DisplacementFVMOperatorThis class describes the displacement operator defined on the cells of the mesh
 CEMM_DisplacementFVMTestThis class is a test class for testing primary methods for displacement FVM operator
 CEMM_DisplacementOperatorThis class describes the displacement operator defined on the data of the mesh
 CEMM_DisplacementTestThis class is a test class for testing primary methods for displacement operator
 CEMM_DisplacementWaveTestThis class is a test class for testing only the wave displacement in the magnetostriction equation:
 CEMM_DistanceFunctionThis class create a distance function
 CEMM_ElasticStressTestThis class is a test class for testing elastic stress commputing method of displacement operators
 CEMM_ElementaryDemagnetizedMatrixThis class create the elementary demagnetized matrix :
 CEMM_ElementaryTestThis class is a test class for testing trivial cases
 CEMM_ExceptionThis class describes the exceptions raised for E-MicromM package
 CEMM_ExchangeOperatorThis class describes the exchange operator for computing the magnetic excitation due to exchange process for the E-MicroM system EMM_LandauLifschitzSystem
 CEMM_FieldTestThis class is a test class for testing EMM_Field classes
 CEMM_FullExchangeOperatorThis class describes an implementation of the exchange operator EMM_MinimalExchangeOperator
 CEMM_GaussLegendreRelaxationThis class describes implements the main method for the relaxation processs of the Landau Lifschitz System :
 CEMM_GoldenNumberIterativeTimeStepThis class compute the new time step by optimizing a function EMM_LandauLisfchitzSystem::computePredictiveEnergyAtTime() within the optimizeTimeFunction() method as the golden number optimization
 CEMM_GradGaussLegendreRelaxationThis class describes implements the gradient of the landau Lifschitz function to use optimal time step computation and the Gauss-Legendre integral interpolation to build the new magnetization field
 CEMM_Grid3DThis class describes a grid3d mesh
 CEMM_Grid3DTestThis class is a test class for testing EMM_Grid3D classes
 CEMM_HyperElasticMatterThis class describes an hyper elastic matter for E-MicroM package
 CEMM_HysteresisThis class generate the hystesis file (see EMMH_HisteresysFile)
 CEMM_HysteresisFileThis class manages the hysteresis file; The file format of the hysteresis file is as follow:
 CEMM_InputThis class is a Input class for StochMagnet core package
 CEMM_IOThis class is a I/O class for E-MicroM core package
 CEMM_IterativeTimeStepThis class describes the iterative optimal time
 CEMM_KdThis class create the integration of Laplacian inverse EMM_LI in [0,1]x[0,1]x[0,1]
 CEMM_Kd_xxThis class computes the function:
 CEMM_Kd_xyThis class computes the function :
 CEMM_Kd_yyThis class computes the function
 CEMM_LandauLifschitzFunctionThis class describes a landau lischitz function & utilitis:
 CEMM_LandauLifschitzODEThis class describes a resolution of Landau-Lifschitz system of the Core Package for E-MicroM package with an ODE integration
 CEMM_LandauLifschitzODE_RKThis class implements a general Runge Kutta formulation to integrate the ODE System
 CEMM_LandauLifschitzODE_RKdThis class implements a general Runge Kutta formulation to integrate the ODE System using a developped implementation
 CEMM_LandauLifschitzRelaxationThis class describes a resolution of landau-lifschitz system of the Core Package for E-MicroM
 CEMM_LandauLifschitzRK45This class implements a Runge Kutta of order 5 to integrate the ODE System
 CEMM_LandauLifschitzRK45dThis class implements a Runge Kutta of order 5 to integrate the ODE System using a developped implementation
 CEMM_LandauLifschitzSystemThis class describes a resolution of landau-lifschitz system of the Core Package for E-MicroM
 CEMM_LinearAnisotropyOperatorThis class describes the linear anistropy operator of the landau lifschitz system EMM_LandauLifschitzSystem
 CEMM_MagneticExcitationLinearOperatorThis class describes the MagneticExcitationLinear operator for the E-MicroM system : EMM_LandauLisfchitzSystem
 CEMM_MagneticExcitationOperatorThis class is an operator of a E-MicromM package wich compute a magnetic excitation operator
 CEMM_MagneticStressTestThis class is a test class for testing magnetic stress commputing method of displacement operators
 CEMM_MagnetostrictionOperatorThis class describes the magnetostriction operator of the landau lifshcitz system EMM_LandauLifschitzSystem
 CEMM_MagnetostrictionTestThis class is a test class for testing primary methods for magnetostriction operator
 CEMM_MagnetostrictiveMatterThis class describes an magnetostrive matter for E-MicroM package
 CEMM_MassMatrixThis interface class describes the mass matrix $ A_{ij}= \int_{\omega} \Phi_i(x). \Phi_j(x) dx $ where $ \Phi_i $ is the Q1 function with is 1 on the point i and 0 otherwise with block size equals to 1
 CEMM_MatterThis class describes a matter for E-MicroM package
 CEMM_MatterFieldThis class describes the field of matters
 CEMM_MatterTestThis class is a test class for testing EMM_Matter classes
 CEMM_MinimalExchangeOperatorThis class describes an implementation of the exchange operator EMM_ExchangeOperator
 CEMM_MorseArrayTestThis class is a test class for testing EMM_MorseArray classes
 CEMM_MultiScaleCDGridThis class describes the building of fields on multiscale centered dioptic grids initialized by the initialize() method
 CEMM_MultiScaleGridThis class describes the building of fields on multiscale grid initialized by the initialize() method. The magnetic excitation field is computed by the method computeMultiGridExcitationField()
 CEMM_MultiScaleSDGridThis class describes the building of fields on multiscale shift dioptic grids initialized by the initialize() method
 CEMM_NewtonRaphsonIterativeTimeStepThis class compute the new time step by optimizing a function EMM_LandauLisfchitzSystem::computeEnergyAtTime() within the optimizeTimeFunction() method as the newton raphson optimization. Builds a sequence $ t_{n+1}=t_{n}-\frac{E^{'}}{E^{"}} $
 CEMM_ObjectThis class is a base class of E-MicromM core package
 CEMM_ODEClassFactoryThis class describes a class factory to generate classes for the E-MicromM Package
 CEMM_ODETestThis class is a test class for testing EMM_ODE classes
 CEMM_ODETimeStepThis class describes an ODE Time step
 CEMM_OperatorThis class is an operator of a E-MicromM package which computes the field of the operator with respect of the magnetization M. It computes after discretizing the operator (see discretize() ) :
 CEMM_OperatorClassFactoryThis class describes a class factory to generate classes for the E-MicromM Package
 CEMM_OperatorsTestThis class is the operators test class for E-MicroM in grid3D domain
 CEMM_OptimalIterativeTimeStepThis class compute the new time step by using the optimal time step and with a golden method if the taylor approximation is too bad for big time step
 CEMM_OptimalTimeStepThis class describes the optimal time
 CEMM_OutputThis class is a Output class for E-MicroM core package
 CEMM_PlanarAnisotropyOperatorThis class describes the planar anistropy operator of the landau lifschitz system EMM_LandauLifschitzSystem
 CEMM_PolynomialInterpolationTimeStepThis class describes the polynomial interpolation for computing the optimal time
 CEMM_PrimaryTestThis class is a test class for testing trivial cases
 CEMM_QuadraticNumberIterativeTimeStepThis class compute the new time step by optimizing a function EMM_LandauLisfchitzSystem::computePredictiveEnergyAtTime() within the optimizeTimeFunction() method as the quadratic number optimization
 CEMM_QuasiNewtonIterativeTimeStepThis class compute the new time step by optimizing a function EMM_LandauLisfchitzSystem::computePredictiveEnergyAtTime() within the optimizeTimeFunction() method as the quasi newton optimization
 CEMM_RealArrayThis class describes a real array
 CEMM_RealFieldThis class describes a real field
 CEMM_RegularTimeStepThis class describes a regular time
 CEMM_RelaxationClassFactoryThis class describes a class factory to generate classes for the E-MicromM Package
 CEMM_RelaxationTestThis class is a test class for testing EMM_Relaxation classes
 CEMM_RunThis class is the runner class for the generic package of the core module of mricom Package
 CEMM_SecondOrderIterativeTimeStepThis class describes the iterative wich uses the secund derivatives of E
 CEMM_SLElementaryDemagnetizedMatrixThis class describes gaussian interpolation
 CEMM_StaticMagneticTensorOperatorThis class describes the static Magnetic Tensor operator of the landau lifschitz system EMM_LandauLifschitzSystem
 CEMM_StaticMagnetostrictionOperatorThis class describes the static magnetostriction operator of the landau lifschitz system EMM_LandauLifschitzSystem
 CEMM_StepperThis class describes a time descriptor
 CEMM_TaylorExpansionRelaxationThis class describes implements the main method for the relaxation processs of the Landau Lifschitz System :
 CEMM_TensorsThis class describes a morse array of tensors
 CEMM_TensorsClassFactoryThis class describes a class factory to generate generic classes for the core module of the microm Package
 CEMM_TensorsTestThis class is a test class for E-MicromM package
 CEMM_TestThis class is a test class for E-MicromM package
 CEMM_TimeClassFactoryThis class describes a class factory to generate classes for the E-MicromM Package
 CEMM_TimeTestThis class is a test class for testing trivial cases
 CEMM_UniaxialAnisotropyOperatorThis class describes the uniaxial anistropy operator of the landau lifschitz system EMM_LandauLifschitzSystem
 CEMM_VelocitySolverTestThis class is a test class for solving velocity linear system
 CEMM_VTKThis class is a I/O output class for VTK / Paraviwe file
 CEMM_WaveFDMTestThis class is a test class for testing wave equation using the Finite Differences Method: $ \displaystyle \frac{\partial^2 u}{\partial t^2} = c^2 . \frac{\partial^2 u}{\partial x^2} $
 CEMM_WaveFEMTestThis class is a test class for testing wave equation using the Finite elements Method with two implementation of the obtained mass matrix as diagonal or not
 CEMM_WaveTestThis class is a test class for testing wave equation : $ \displaystyle \frac{\partial^2 u}{\partial t^2} = c^2 . \frac{\partial^2 u}{\partial x^2} $
 CEMM_ZeemanOperatorThis class describes the Zeeman operator which is the exterior excitation magnetic field from the E-MicroM system : EMM_LandauLifschitzSystem
 CEMMG_AnisotropyOperatorThis class describes the mixed anistropy operator EMM_AnisotropyOperator of the landau lifschitz system EMM_LandauLifschitzSystem basedon an EMMG_RealField
 CEMMG_ClassFactoryThis class describes a class factory to generate generic classes for the core module of the microm Package
 CEMMG_CubicAnisotropyOperatorThis class describes the cubic anistropy operator EMM_CubicAnisotropyOperator of the landau lifschitz system EMM_LandauLifschitzSystem based on EMMG_RealField
 CEMMG_DemagnetizedOperatorThis class describes the linear demagnetized operator EMM_DemagnetizedOperator of the Landau Lifschitz system EMM_LandauLifschitzSystem based on EMMG_RealField
 CEMMG_DisplacementFEMOperatorThis class describes the displacement operator based on Finite Elements Method EMM_DisplacementFEMOperator for the EMMG_MagnetostrictionOperator class
 CEMMG_DisplacementFVM_SSGROperatorThis class describes the displacement operator based on Finite Differences Method EMM_DisplacementFVMOperator for the EMMG_MagnetostrictionOperator class
 CEMMG_DisplacementFVM_STEGROperatorThis class describes the displacement operator based on Finite Differences Method EMM_DisplacementFVMOperator for the EMMG_MagnetostrictionOperator class
 CEMMG_DisplacementFVM_VOGGROperatorThis class describes the displacement operator based on Finite Volumes Method for the EMMG_MagnetostrictionOperator class
 CEMMG_DisplacementFVM_VTEGROperatorThis class describes the displacement operator based on Finite Differences Method EMM_DisplacementFVMOperator for the EMMG_MagnetostrictionOperator class
 CEMMG_FullExchangeOperatorThis class describes an implementation of the exchange operator EMM_FullExchangeOperator using an EMMG_RealField class
 CEMMG_LandauLifschitzFunctionThis class describes a implementation of a landau lischitz function & utility:
 CEMMG_LinearAnisotropyOperatorThis class describes an implementation of the mixed of linear anistropy operators EMM_LinearAnisotropyOperator of the landau lifschitz system EMM_LandauLifschitzSystem based on the EMMG_RealField
 CEMMG_MagnetostrictionOperatorThis class describes the magnetostriction operator EMM_MagnetostrictionOperator of the landau lifschitz system EMM_LandauLifschitzSystem basedon an EMMG_RealField
 CEMMG_MinimalExchangeOperatorThis class describes an implementation of the exchange operator EMM_MinimalExchangeOperator using an EMMG_RealField class
 CEMMG_PlanarAnisotropyOperatorThis class describes the planar anisotropy operator EMM_PlanarAnisotropyOperator using field implemented by the EMMG_RealField class
 CEMMG_RealFieldThis class describes a generic real field
 CEMMG_SLDemagnetizedOperatorThis class describes the linear demagnetized operator of the landau lifschitz system EMM_LandauLifschitzSystem
 CEMMG_SLPeriodicMultiScaleThis class describes the PeriodicMultiScale for matrix-vector product of complex toeplitz matrix
 CEMMG_SLRPPeriodicMultiScaleThis class describes the PeriodicRPMultiScale for matrix-vector product of complex toeplitz matrix
 CEMMG_SLSDXPeriodicMultiScaleThis class describes the PeriodicSDXMultiScale for matrix-vector product of complex toeplitz matrix
 CEMMG_StaticMagneticTensorOperatorThis class describes the static magnetostriction operator EMM_StaticMagneticTensorOperator of the landau lifschitz system EMM_LandauLifschitzSystem based on an EMMG_RealField
 CEMMG_StaticMagnetostrictionOperatorThis class describes the static magnetostriction operator EMM_StaticMagnetostrictionOperator of the landau lifschitz system EMM_LandauLifschitzSystem based on an EMMG_RealField
 CEMMG_UniaxialAnisotropyOperatorThis class describes an implementation the uniaxial anistropy operator EMM_UniaxialAnisotropyOPerator of the landau lifschitz system EMM_LandauLifschitzSystem based on EMMG_RealField
 CEMMH_ClassFactoryThis class describes a class factory to generate generic classes for the core module of the microm Package
 CEMMH_HysteresisTestThis class is the test the hysteresis classes from Hysteresis Package for E-MicroM
 CEMMM_RunThis class is the runner class for E-MicroM Package
 CFFTW_ClassFactoryThis class describes a class factory to generate classes for the math/fftw Package
 CFFTW_ComplexThis class describes complex based on fftw_complex structure
 CFFTW_ComplexArrayThis class describes FFT complex array based on fft_complex structure
 CFFTW_DFTThis class computes FFT transformations for a vector of dimension 1 and size N:
 CFFTW_DFTTransposeThis class describes Discrete Fourier Transform Transposition based on fftw library
 CFFTW_FFTThis class manages the execution of Fast Fourier Transform. several fast Fourier Transforms may be applied to a same vector of dimension D and of size N
 CFFTW_MultiDFTsThis class computes FFT transformations for a vector of dimension D and size N:
 CFFTW_MultiLevelsDFTThis class describes Multi Level DFT routines based on fftw library
 CFFTW_ObjectThis class is the base class of FFTW objects
 CFFTW_PlanThis class describes an FFT Plan
 CFFTW_RunThis class is the runner class for the package FFTW
 CFFTW_TestThis class describes Test class for module
 CMATH_ArrayVectorThis class impements the MATH_Vector class thanks to CORE_RealArray data
 CMATH_BiConjugateGradientStabilizedThis class describes a solver of Ax=b when A is not symmetric. The implementation is based on the Bi - conjugate gradient Stabilized
 CMATH_ConjugateGradientThis class describes a solver of Ax=b when A is symmetric and positive definite. The implementation is based on the conjugate gradient method
 CMATH_ConjugateGradientSquaredThis class describes a solver of Ax=b when A is not symmetric. The implementation is based on the Bi - conjugate gradient without having to compute the transpose of A
 CMATH_ElementaryMultiLevelsCircularTensorToeplitzMatrixThis class is a multi level toeplitz matrix based on circular matrix whose leaf block are packed or full matrix of dimension D and whose size S is either $ D^2 $ or $ \frac{D.(D-1)}{2} $. In this implementation, the multi levels organization of the matrix is kept. This work is based on the article of by S. Labbe
 CMATH_ElementaryMultiLevelsCircularToeplitzMatrixThis class is a multi level toeplitz matrix based on circular matrix whose leaf block are packed or full matrix of dimension D and whose size is either $ S=D^2 $ or $ S=\frac{D.(D-1)}{2} $. The multi-levels toeplitz matrix is considered as a 1-level toeplitz matrix indexing by the index value $ index=\displaystyle i_0+N_0-1 + (2.N_0+1).\left (i_1+N_1-1+(2.N_1+1).\left(i_2+N_2-1+.. \right ) \right ) $ where $ i_l \in ]-N_l,N_l[$ is the index of the block at level l and $ N_l$ the number of block by rows in level l
 CMATH_ElementaryMultiLevelsPolynomialToeplitzMatrixThis class is a multi level toeplitz matrix whose leaf block are packed or full matrix of dimension D and whose size is either $ D^2 $ or $ \frac{D.(D-1)}{2} $. The multi-levels toeplitz matrix is considered as a one level indexing by the index value $ index=\displaystyle i_0+N_0-1 + (2.N_0+1).\left (i_1+N_1-1+(2.N_1+1).\left(i_2+N_2-1+.. \right ) \right ) $ where $ i_l \in ]-N_l,N_l[$ is the index of the block at level l and $ N_l$ the number of block by rows in level l. This work is based on the article of by D. Lee
 CMATH_ElementaryMultiLevelsToeplitzMatrixThis class is a multi level toeplitz matrix whose leaf block are packed/full matrix of dimension D and whose size is either $ S=D^2 $ or $ s=\frac{D.(D-1)}{2} $. The Matrix.Vector product is done by considering each element of the leaf matrix
 CMATH_FullMatrixThis class impements the MATH_Matrix class thanks to CORE_RealArray data
 CMATH_GaussLegendreIntegrationThis class integrate function $ \int_a^b f(t) dt $ where a,b,t, in $ R^d $ d=(1,2,3..)
 CMATH_GlobalMultiLevelsPolynomialToeplitzMatrixThis class is a multi level toeplitz matrix whose leaf block are dense matrix of dimension D and with size S=D x D
 CMATH_IntegrandFunctionThis class describes a function to integrate. the method computeFunction() has to be defined
 CMATH_IntegrationThis class integrates integrand function MATH_IntegrandFunction $ \int_a^b f(t) dt $ where a,b,t,dt in $ R^d $ d=(1,2,3..)
 CMATH_IntegrationClassFactoryThis class describes a class factory to generate generic classes for the integration math module of the E-MicroM Package
 CMATH_IntegrationRunThis class is the runner class for the generic package of the integration of the math module of E-MicroM Package
 CMATH_IntegrationTestThis class is a test class for E-MicromM integration Math package
 CMATH_MaskArrayVectorThis class impements the MATH_MaskVector class thanks to CORE_RealArray data
 CMATH_MaskMatrixThis class impements the MATH_MaskMatrix whci deals with mask vector
 CMATH_MatrixThis class describes a general matrix interface used in solver
 CMATH_MorseMatrixThis class impements the MATH_Matrix class thanks to CORE_RealMorseArray data
 CMATH_MultiLevelsFFTToeplitzMatrixThis class is multi level toeplitz matrix whose product with vector is based on FFT; It delas with the Discrete Fast Fourier transform to project to toeplitz matrix into its spectral space where the matrix is diagonal. The methods:
 CMATH_MultiLevelsToeplitzMatrixThis class is multi levels toeplitz matrix. The matrix at level k is composed by $ 2.n_k-1 $ toeplitz block matrices:
 CMATH_P0This class describes a polynom of degre 0
 CMATH_P1This class describes a polynom of degre 1
 CMATH_P2This class describes a polynom of degre 2 $ P(x)=a_0+a_1.x +a_2.x^2$
 CMATH_P3This class describes a polynom of degre 3 : $ P(x)=a_0+a_1.x +a_2.x^2+a_3.x^3$
 CMATH_P4This class describes a polynom of degre 4 $ P(x)=a_0+a_1.x +a_2.x^2+a_3.x^3 +a_4.x^4$
 CMATH_PnThis class describes a polynom of degree n $ P(x)=\displaystyle \sum_{i=0}^{i=n} a_i x^n $
 CMATH_PolynomialClassFactoryThis class describes a class factory to generate generic classes for the core module of the microm Package
 CMATH_PolynomialTestThis class is a test class for E-MicromM package
 CMATH_SolverThis class describes a solver of Ax=b
 CMATH_SolverClassFactoryThis class describes a class factory to generate generic classes for the core module of the microm Package
 CMATH_SolverRunThis class is the runner class for the generic package of the math/solver module of microm Package
 CMATH_SolverTestThis class is a test class for the math solver package of E-MicroM code
 CMATH_TestFunctionThis class describes a test function to integrate
 CMATH_ToeplitzClassFactoryThis class describes a class factory to generate generic classes for the core module of the microm Package
 CMATH_ToeplitzRunThis class is the runner class for the generic package of the math/toeplitz module of microm Package
 CMATH_ToeplitzTestThis class is a test class for math toeplitz package of the E-MicroM code
 CMATH_VectorThis class describes a masked vector
 CMATSGN_ComplexThis class describes complex based on fftw_complex sructure
 CMATSGN_ComplexArrayThis class describes FFT complex array based on fft_complex structure
 CMATSGN_FFTThis class describes FFT routines based on fftw_complex array used in fftw library
 CMATSGN_TestThis class describes Test class for module
 COMP_ThreadThis class describes an Open MP process