C++ main module for emicrom Package
Hysteresis Package for E-MicroM | Hysteresis Package for E-MicroM is a package to genereate hysteresis file |
Generic Package for E-MicroM | Generic Package for E-MicroM is an immplementation of Core Package for E-MicroM package whre EMM_Field are considered to be EMMG_RealField |
Operators Package for E-MicroM | Operators Package for E-MicroM contains all the operators for the E-MicroM problem in order to compute the total magnetic excitation of the system: |
Zeeman operators Package for E-MicroM | Zeeman operators Package for E-MicroM contains the zeeman operator EMM_ZeemanOperator for describing the external magnetic excitation field which is a constant operator |
Exchange operators Package for E-MicroM | Exchange operators Package for E-MicroM contains all the exchange operators for the E-MicroM problem in order to compute the total magnetic excitation of the system |
Anisotropy operators Package for E-MicroM | Anisotropy operators Package for E-MicroM contains all the anisotropy operators for the E-MicroM problem in order to compute the total magnetic excitation of the system |
Demagnetized operators Package for E-MicroM | Demagnetized operators Package for E-MicroM contains all the demagnetized operators for the E-MicroM problem in order to compute the total magnetic excitation of the system |
Magnetostriction Package for E-MicroM | Magnetostriction Package for E-MicroM contains all the operators needed for modeling the magnetostriction process for the E-MicroM problem |
Times Package for E-MicroM | Times Package for E-MicroM contains classes to generate the time evolution of the relaxation. It is based on 3 classes: |
Relaxations Package for E-MicroM | Relaxations Package for E-MicroM contains classes to compute the relaxation process linked with its stepper calls Times Package for E-MicroM |
ODE Package for E-MicroM | ODE Package for E-MicroM contains classes to solve the Landau Lifshitz Systems by ODE integrations as Runge Kutta.. |
Core Package for E-MicroM | Core Package for E-MicroM solve E-MicroM problem whose geometry is mesh as a 3D regular grid not necessarly cubic which can be periodic in some dimensions |
Mathematical Solver Package for E-MicroM | Mathematical Solver Package for E-MicroM is used to solve a linear equation A.x=b |
Mathematical Tensor Package for E-MicroM | Mathematical Tensor Package for E-MicroM manages the algebra operations on tensor feilds & fields with same dimensions |
Mathematical Integration Package for E-MicroM | Mathematical Integration Package for E-MicroM manages integration of functions of dimension D. It is used for computing the leaf block matrix of the demagnetized operator and integration the magnetization with respect to time |
Mathematical Polynomial Package for E-MicroM | Mathematical Polynomial Package for E-MicroM manages the computing of extrenum of a polynom used for the optimal time computing for linear operators |
Mathematical Toeplitz Package for E-MicroM | Mathematical Toeplitz Package for E-MicroM manages the matrix vector product for Multi levels Toeplitz matrix. A toeplitz matrix is a matrix whose value at element at row i and j depends only on i-j. A multi-level toeplitz matrix is a matrix whose block is toeplitz matrix. Each block is also a toeplitz matrix |
FFTW library interface package | FFTW library interface package is the interface package for using FFTW library eiter with float, double or long double complex |
FFT package | MATH Signal package contains class for FFT computations of a vector |
OpenMP Mono Thread package. | OpenMP Mono Thread package. describes a package to ignore OPENMP routines |
Common IO package | Common IO package package contains classes for Input/Output processings |
common core package | common core package package contains all core classes used in all modules |