C++ main module for emicrom Package  1.0
Here is a list of all modules:
 Hysteresis Package for E-MicroMHysteresis Package for E-MicroM is a package to genereate hysteresis file
 Generic Package for E-MicroMGeneric Package for E-MicroM is an immplementation of Core Package for E-MicroM package whre EMM_Field are considered to be EMMG_RealField
 Operators Package for E-MicroMOperators Package for E-MicroM contains all the operators for the E-MicroM problem in order to compute the total magnetic excitation of the system:
 Zeeman operators Package for E-MicroMZeeman operators Package for E-MicroM contains the zeeman operator EMM_ZeemanOperator for describing the external magnetic excitation field which is a constant operator
 Exchange operators Package for E-MicroMExchange operators Package for E-MicroM contains all the exchange operators for the E-MicroM problem in order to compute the total magnetic excitation of the system
 Anisotropy operators Package for E-MicroMAnisotropy operators Package for E-MicroM contains all the anisotropy operators for the E-MicroM problem in order to compute the total magnetic excitation of the system
 Demagnetized operators Package for E-MicroMDemagnetized operators Package for E-MicroM contains all the demagnetized operators for the E-MicroM problem in order to compute the total magnetic excitation of the system
 Magnetostriction Package for E-MicroMMagnetostriction Package for E-MicroM contains all the operators needed for modeling the magnetostriction process for the E-MicroM problem
 Times Package for E-MicroMTimes Package for E-MicroM contains classes to generate the time evolution of the relaxation. It is based on 3 classes:
 Relaxations Package for E-MicroMRelaxations Package for E-MicroM contains classes to compute the relaxation process linked with its stepper calls Times Package for E-MicroM
 ODE Package for E-MicroMODE Package for E-MicroM contains classes to solve the Landau Lifshitz Systems by ODE integrations as Runge Kutta..
 Core Package for E-MicroMCore Package for E-MicroM solve E-MicroM problem whose geometry is mesh as a 3D regular grid not necessarly cubic which can be periodic in some dimensions
 Mathematical Solver Package for E-MicroMMathematical Solver Package for E-MicroM is used to solve a linear equation A.x=b
 Mathematical Tensor Package for E-MicroMMathematical Tensor Package for E-MicroM manages the algebra operations on tensor feilds & fields with same dimensions
 Mathematical Integration Package for E-MicroMMathematical Integration Package for E-MicroM manages integration of functions of dimension D. It is used for computing the leaf block matrix of the demagnetized operator and integration the magnetization with respect to time
 Mathematical Polynomial Package for E-MicroMMathematical Polynomial Package for E-MicroM manages the computing of extrenum of a polynom used for the optimal time computing for linear operators
 Mathematical Toeplitz Package for E-MicroMMathematical Toeplitz Package for E-MicroM manages the matrix vector product for Multi levels Toeplitz matrix. A toeplitz matrix is a matrix whose value at element at row i and j depends only on i-j. A multi-level toeplitz matrix is a matrix whose block is toeplitz matrix. Each block is also a toeplitz matrix
 FFTW library interface packageFFTW library interface package is the interface package for using FFTW library eiter with float, double or long double complex
 FFT packageMATH Signal package contains class for FFT computations of a vector
 OpenMP Mono Thread package.OpenMP Mono Thread package. describes a package to ignore OPENMP routines
 Common IO packageCommon IO package package contains classes for Input/Output processings
 common core packagecommon core package package contains all core classes used in all modules