C++ main module for emicrom Package  1.0
EMM_Hysteresis Class Reference

This class generate the hystesis file (see EMMH_HisteresysFile) More...

#include <EMMH_Hysteresis.h>

Detailed Description

This class generate the hystesis file (see EMMH_HisteresysFile)

The hysteresis process consists in make vary the external magnetic field and for each external magnetic field, the mean over the magnetized domain of the equilibrium magnetism field is computed and stored i the hysteresis file.

For each relaxation process, the initial value of the magnetism field is the field given by the equilibrium magnetism field obtained with the last external magnetic field.

For the first relaxation process, the magnetism field is taken as normalized Hext.

The unpair half cycle is to make vary external excitation magnetic in the forward direction over a vector.

The pair half cycle is to make vary external excitation magnetic in the backard direction over the Hext vector.

Stephane Despreaux

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: