Texte en hommage à Eliza, qui nous a quittés le 13 mai dernier
Job offer
Job offer description, Postdoctoral position: Numerical schemes for Sensitivity Analysis of Hypocoercive Systems.
Job offer description, Internship: PINNs models for optimal control strategies of structured epidemiological models.
Job offer description, Internship: Active learning for Gaussian processes with functional inputs:
application to wind turbine reliability design (see associated PhD thesis below).
- Training on Feature Extraction co-organized with Olivier Zahm in the framework of consortium
July 4, 2024, Grenoble, France, program
- 30 years of International Conference on Sensitivity Analysis of Model Output
April 23-25, 2025, Grenoble, France.
- MASCOT NUM 2025 PhD day
April 22, 2025, Grenoble, France.
- Kernel Methods in Uncertainty Quantification and Experimental Design
March 31 - April 4, 2025, Chicago, USA.
- Isaac Newton Institute, Semester on Representing, calibrating and leveraging prediction uncertainty from statistics to machine learning
May 6 - August 29, 2025, Cambridge, UK.
La Science taille XX elles
Cafés Sciences et Citoyens