- PhD supervising
- Matthieu Lerasle (co-supervised with B. Laurent, INSA Toulouse),
PhD defended on June 25, 2009,
HdR defended on March 29, 2016.
CNRS researcher in the university Paris-Saclay,
Professeur de statistiques à l'ENSAE,
Professeur chargé de cours à l'école polytechnique.
- Elena Di Bernardino (co-supervised with V. Maume-Deschamps, ISFA Lyon 1),
PhD defended on Decembre 8, 2011,
HdR defended on September 13, 2017.
Full Professor, Université Côte d'Azur (Nice, France).
- Alexandre Janon (co-supervised with M. Nodet),
PhD defended on November 15, 2012,
Associate Professor, Université Paris-Saclay.
- Jean-Yves Tissot (co-supervised with E. Blayo),
PhD defended on November 16, 2012,
C++ developer for finance, Paris.
- Gaëlle Chastaing (co-supervised with F. Gamboa, Toulouse 3),
PhD defended on September 23, 2013,
engineer at EDF (french electricity company).
- Simon Nanty (co-supervised with C. Helbert, Lyon 1),
PhD defended on October 15, 2015, funded by the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA).
Amadeus R&D ingineer.
- Laurent Gilquin (co-supervised with E. Arnaud, LJK/STEEP),
PhD defended on October 17, 2016, funded by ANR.
Ingénieur contractuel Inria équipe/projet AIRSEA.
- Patricia Tencaliec (co-supervised with A.C. Favre, LTHE),
PhD defended on February 1st, 2017,
Data scientist in Austria.
Reda El Amri (co-supervised with C. Helbert, ICJ/Centrale Lyon),
PhD defended in April, 2019, funded by IFP Energies nouvelles in the setting of the OQUAIDO chair.
Research engineer at IFP Energies nouvelles.
- Maria Bélen Heredia (co-supervised with N. Eckert, IRSTEA Grenoble),
PhD defended in December, 2020, funded by LabEx OSUG@2020.
Data scientist chez Diabeloop (Grenoble).
Adrien Hirvoas (co-supervised with E. Arnaud, LJK/AIRSEA),
PhD defended in March, 2021, funded by IFPEN.
Mathématicien appliqué chez France Energies Marines (FEM).
- Arthur Macherey (co-supervised with A. Nouy and M. Billaud Friess, Centrale Nantes),
PhD defended in June, 2021, co-funded by Inria and Centrale Nantes.
Facilitateur-Formateur en Transition Ecologique et Sociétale / Docteur-Ingénieur en Mathématiques.
Nantes et périphérie.
- Henri Mermoz Kouye (co-supervised with G. Mazo and E. Vergu, INRA MaIAGE, G. Thébaud, INRA BGPI),
PhD defended in December, 2022, co-funded by INRA and Inria.
Postdoc in Lifeware Inria project/team (Saclay).
Clément Duhamel (co-supervised with C. Helbert, ICJ/Centrale Lyon),
PhD defended in November, 2024, funded by Inria, in collaboration with IFP Energies nouvelles.
- Robin Vaudry (co-supervised with D. Georges, GIPSA-lab),
PhD defended in October, 2024, funded by MODCOV19, CNRS.
Professeur agrégé du second degré.
- Ri Wang (co-supervised with V. Maume Deschamps, ICJ Lyon 1),
PhD started in October, 2021, funded by Chinese Scientific Council (CSC).
- Adama Barry (co-supervised with F. Bachoc, IMT Toulouse),
PhD started in January, 2022, funded by IFP Energies nouvelles, in the setting of the CIROQUO consortium.
- Romain Verdière (co-supervised with O. Zahm, Inria Grenoble),
PhD started in Sept., 2022, funded by ANR.
- Lorenzo Calzolari (co-supervised with C. Helbert, ICJ/Centrale Lyon),
PhD started in November, 2024, funded by IFP Energies nouvelles.
Postdocs supervision
- Roukaya Keinj
Nov. 2011-Oct. 2012, funded by ANR.
- Alexandros Makris
Dec. 2012-Nov. 2013, funded by ANR.
Researcher at ICS-FORTH (Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas), Heraklion (Greece).
- Alexis Anagnostakis
Nov. 2022-Oct. 2024, funded by IRGA Université Grenoble Alpes then Inria.