C++ main module for emicrom Package  1.0
Mathematical Toeplitz Package for E-MicroM

Mathematical Toeplitz Package for E-MicroM manages the matrix vector product for Multi levels Toeplitz matrix. A toeplitz matrix is a matrix whose value at element at row i and j depends only on i-j. A multi-level toeplitz matrix is a matrix whose block is toeplitz matrix. Each block is also a toeplitz matrix. More...

Mathematical Toeplitz Package for E-MicroM manages the matrix vector product for Multi levels Toeplitz matrix. A toeplitz matrix is a matrix whose value at element at row i and j depends only on i-j. A multi-level toeplitz matrix is a matrix whose block is toeplitz matrix. Each block is also a toeplitz matrix.

$ T = \left[ {\begin{array}{ccccc} T^k_0 & T^k_{-1} & T^k_{-2} & ... & T^k_{1-n_k} \\ T^k_1 & T^k_0 & ... & ... & T^k_{2-n_k} \\ ... & ... & ... & ... & ... \\ T^k_{n_k-1} & T^k_{n_k-2} & ... & ... & T^k_0 \end{array} } \right] $

The description of a toeplitz matrix is in the class MATH_MultiLevelsToeplitzMatrix.

The main avantage of a toeplitz matrix is that the Matrix Vector product cost is in N.log(N) due to a diagonalization of this matrix thant to a Discret Fourier Transform. see FFTW library interface package . The projection in the spectral space and the matrix vector product are managed in the general interface class MATH_MultiLevelsToeplitzMatrix which have 4 implementations of the product by FFT method:

The MATH_ToeplitzClassFactory manages the creation of classes of the package.

The MATH_ToeplitzRun is the main class of the package.

The MATH_ToeplitzTest is the class test of the package.

To compare the different methods, a 3 levels toeplitz matrix is built with a full storage for leaf for the Global Multi levels based on polynomial covolution (GP) and a packed storage for the other methods.

we use the different grid of size Nx x Ny x Nz, the demagnetized operator is discretized on the grid and the projection of the spectral spaces is done for each different method. Then , 100 matrix product vector is computed and we compare the results with the openmp version of 4 threads:

Nx Ny Nz N
4 4 4 64
8 8 8 512
16 16 16 4 096
32 32 32 32 768
64 64 64 262 144

The result is as follow and the best methods is the LC/LP methods which are equivalents.

discretization (ms)
100x matrix vector product (ms)
memory size (Kb)

The uml graph is as follow:
