
My position is CNRS "directeur de recherche" (senior researcher), at the applied maths department of University Grenoble Alpes (LJK U.M.R.5224), where I am the scientific leader of the DAO team. I serve as a member of the scientific committee of the GdR RO and the one of PGMO. The picture on the right dates back from the time I was post-doc at Cornell.

Short vita

2023 Jean-Jacques Moreau Prize given jointly by l'Academie des Sciences and the French Maths associations (SMF, SMAI). This is the top prize in my field, awarded to a French researcher (under 45) in maths of decision-making.
2019 Optimization Chair of MIAI
Jan. 2017 HdR ("Habilitation a Diriger les Recherches"), more details
from 2015 Head of the DAO team (mathematical optimization and machine learning for data science) of the LJK
2012-2018 Member of the leading group of SMAI-MODE group of the French applied maths society.
2011-2021 Board of GdR MOA
2011 Charles Broyden Prize of the journal Optimization Methods and Software (with Didier Henrion)
2009 Robert Faure Prize (most oustanding young researcher in operation research in France) by the organisation ROADEF (the French INFORMS).
from 2007 CNRS researcher
2006 Post-doc at Cornell University (with Adrian Lewis)
2002 - 2005 PhD student at Inria (with Claude Lemaréchal)
1999 - 2002 Master student between Ker Lann and Grenoble... "Agrégation" of maths in 2002.