
I am a CNRS researcher, member of the applied math department of University Grenoble Alps (LJK, Lab. Jean Kunztmann), head of the team DAO.

I work on mathematical, algorithmic, and computational aspects of optimization and the mathematics of decision-making. I try to keep a balance between theory and applications, believing that both are richer from their interactions.

I had the pleasure to receive Jean-Jacques Moreau Prize which is the top (French) prize in my field. This accomplishment was only attainable thanks to the great people that I have met in my journey in research, including oustanding PhD students.

Contact information

Phone (+33) 4 57 42 17 62
to find me Office 155 at the first floor (LJK) of building IMAG
on the Grenoble Campus
Postal address Equipe DAO - Laboratoire LJK - Batiment IMAG
Universite Grenoble Alpes
700 Avenue Centrale
Campus de Saint Martin d'Heres
38401 Domaine Universitaire de Saint-Martin-d'Heres