 Tutorial and tests

Project Managment
Dynsys uses a project approach. A project deals with components of a dynamical system: states equations, adjacency matrix and graph visualization. To create a project, it is necessary to create a path for the project and in this path, save the project file.
It may be done by the menu Project->new project.

In the path of the project are created a path Movie used to store the dynamic graph iterations used to display graph.
The project management is as usual: it is possible to save, to copy, to load or create a project.

Preferences Managment
The configuration of DynSys is done thanks to the preferences menu Edit->Preferences

DynSys is multi-langage, the first field indicates the path of the dictionary files. By double clicking on the line edit, it is possible to change this path. The language supported are the french and the english. It is possible to change the dictionary thants to the menu Edit->Dictionary.  Put the word in english and translate it in the good language.

The icons of the software are stored in the path mentioned in the field icons path the software
The document path is the path where is the documentation.
The style of the software may be changed by double-clicking on the  font style line edit.
Multiple windows allows to specify if all the windows are free or contained in one main window.
Workspace path is the path where windows configuration models are stored.
Node with, node height and node width % are the default attributes for node geometry. Node width % is the max size percent value of screen size of the node.
Node label prefix is the default label of the node.If no name is set, nodes have no label.
Compiler exe is the executable to compile the state functions and library extension is the extension of the compiled library. Those 2 fields depend on the platform.

Workspace Managment
A workspace is an image of the position and size of the windows at a time. it is possible to save, restore and delete workspaces accesible by the menu Project->Load/Save/Delete workspace.