I am an associate professor in Applied Mathematics at Grenoble INP - Ensimag. I perform my research in LJK (Laboratoire Jean Kuntzmann). I am a member of the EDP team in Partial Differential Equation.
My research interests include Scientific computing, High Performance Computing, Simulation and Modeling.
PhD in Computer Science
University of Houston
Engineering Degree in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
Enseirb-Matmeca (formerly Matmeca)
Master in Applied Mathematics
Université Bordeaux 1
Based on high-level research laboratories present at Grenoble in Mathematics, Computer Science, Automatic Control, Signal Processing, and Hardware Architecture, Persyval-lab promotes a holistic approach for developing an ambitious scientific program focused on four research actions conducted by integrated multi-disciplinary small and effective teams.
The research action “Mathematics: from Fundamentals to Applications” (MFA) aims at better understanding and optimizing the dynamic behavior of complex computational-physical systems.