if restoring failed during relaxation, restart from t=0 instead of throwing an error
change the option hystesis-ncycles to hysteresis-nhalfcycles
bug correction on building Neumann Data for FEM displacement
bug correction on CDG in swaping M at level l+1 and at level l
bug correction on log for ODE solving
debuging test added a module to save the M.H at each level at first iteration
thow an exception when
the size of the .vel .dis files are not equal to the number of the points of the mesh
the limit condition on points are necessary adapted to the number of the points of the mesh
correction of a bug concerning the hysteresis restroing file when no data on hysteresis file
correction of a bug concerning the periodic domain for magnetostriction operator
correction on the updating of U at each equilibrium solver
doc updated with UML diagrams
adding an equilibrium state for elastic equation (in dev FVM elasticity matrix is not symmetric)
adding 2 solvers : CGS & biCGstab for non symmetric linear solver
adding an equilibrium tests
restore hysteresis even if no hysteresis file
adding a mean of H at the hysteresis data and in the log of relaxation
bug corection :
on core dump for elasticty-state=frozen (frozen|equilibrium|unsteady)
adding an ODE module for solving the landau lifschitz system with options: –relaxation-time-order=rk45 or rk45d for a different implementation –stepper=ode to set the adaptative stepper –stepper-evaluations=12: to set the maximum number of iterations for calculating a new stepper ie time step –stepper-tolerance=1.e-4: to set the tolerated error on the dM/dt to compute the stepper
the time-... options have changed into stepper-... options: the time-... will be deprecated in future version
adding a time step computing method brent(as quadratic number which will be deprecated) and newton raphson (not pertinent for our minimuzation)
add an inside box within the PUC geometry –puc-ibox-origin=[Px,Py,Pz] –puc-ibox-size=[Hx,Hy,Hz] : the size of the inside boxix Hx x Hy x Hz from the orgin point [Px,Py,Pz]. All real values are relative values in [0,1] with respect of the box size.
add a non isotropy hyper elastic material
for adimensionizing the elasticity equation the defaut parameter is . We can use instead . Set its value into the –elastic-tensor-adim option (if 0 the adimensionized parameter is the default one) and –magnetic-adim is either true to use Magnetic excitation field normalization or false to use elastic magnetic excitation field normalization.
add a scale multiplied factor for U & V by the option –displacement-scale –velocity-scale (1.0 by default)
adding a cubic anisotropy and static magnetostriction case test
bugs correction:
for displacement with elastic steady state on : at t>0, return U & V at t=0 to avoid null
morse array bug correction with empty elements in begin(start,pack,iter) method
initial time step for iterative time method corrected
add an iterative method based on optimal time : use the optimal time method even in out of its domain application. If the energy is deacreasing, the time step is the time step computed when considering all operators are linear. If not, the golden iterative method is used. (option –time=optimal-golden)
add an option to use only the evolution of the displacement field when the magnetization field is fixed. The time step is constant (–use-elasticity-only=true| false option, false by default).
a martensite interface added between grains:
martensite-width={0,1,2} width of the interface in cells dimension
martensite-matter=[name,Ms,...] is the matter description of the martensite matter (let it empty for no matter)
add a neuman constraints on boundaries in displacement with 2 new options:
constraint-faces in [0,63] : indictaors of neumann faces
constraint-force=constraint.cst : file which describes the constraint on points or a constant vector [Cx,Cy,Cz]
add a Finite Volume Method (FVM) based on Sigma.n = c on Neuman boundaries implemented in 4 methods for gradient rebuild :
FVM-VOGGR, for volume gradient rebuild based on Ostrogradsky Green integration
FVM-VTEGR, for volume gradient rebuild based on Taylor Expansion integration
FVM-SSGR, for tangential surface gradient rebuild based on Stokes integration
FVM-STEGR for tangential surface gradient rebuild based on Taylor Expansion integration
add a constraint data for elastic operators
bug corrections:
error in initialization of variables for computing E in iterative methods
modification of the time step iterative methods to ensure the decreasing of the energy. For the optimal direct method or regular time step mehod, the verification is not done.
velocity approximation bug
bad extension for VTI files
FDM Methods are removed because of bad approximation for not null neumann limit conditions.
add a sheet waves with 3 numerical methods cross verification
modifing the saving of the system : save the vti file, the magnetization in txt file, the relaxation state and the data operators
change the option "vtkSteps" into "output-steps" for saving the data at output. It alawys saves teh vti files but also the relaxation file and the operators data
bug corrections:
correction of the type of U/V/dV_dt in vti files for FEM displacement operator
reset to initial state of all data operators at each hysteresis step
to do list:
magnetostriction data not optimized for holes.
add magnetostriction case test
add the finest periodical multi scale method
optimization of the symmetric tensor product & memory
static constant stress should be implemented for heterogenous matters if it becomes permanent
add an option for maximum time step gap between two successive time step computing –time-max-gap option in [1,infinity[
validation of the 1D periodical case for magnetostriction
adding tDimension type for dimension of field tLimitConditionType for limit conditions and tCellFlag type for boolean value on faces of cell
adding a backup file for epsilonU
bug corrections:
disabled the memory check for multi-threadings version
correction in output Path for case tests
to do list:
magnetostriction data not optimized for holes.
add magnetostriction case test
add the finest periodical multi scale method
optimization of the symmetric tensor product & memory
static constant stress should be implemented for heterogenous matters if it becomes permanent
add a static magnetic stress operator
FDM/FEM/C-FEM methods validated in 1D-Case
bug corrections:
hysteresis log writing error for physical caracteritic data
mass matrix product error for product method in case of periodicity
to do list:
magnetostriction data not optimized for holes.
add magnetostriction case test
add the finest periodical multi scale method
optimization of the symmetric tensor product & memory
static constant stress should be implemented for heterogenous matters if it becomes permanent
add a steady state for displacement field of magnetostriction: the displacement field is constant within the relaxation process iteration. The corresponding option is –elasticity-steady-state=true | false (false by default)
add a static magnetostriction operator
add a condensed FEM mass matrix and rename AcceleratorMatrix to MassMatrix
add a data-path & output-path options for data generator program
modify the time order integration:
for the EMM_IterativeTime, the time order is 1 or 2 instead of GL1|GL4|TE2 (time-order=1|2).
The evolution of M,U with respect of t during the iterative process with a time step is as follow:
for integration of M over the time thanks to landau lisfchitz equation,
if order 1, it uses a GL1 integration for ggl method
if order 2, it uses a GL4 integration for ggl method
the evolution of M at each time step is given by relaxation-time-order=1|2 and relaxation-time-integration=te|gl|ggl
for integration of the displacement over the time thanks to the magnetostriction equation,
if order 1, it uses an integration of order 1 in time depending of the numerical method by displacement-time-integration=TE|P1|P2)
if order 2, it uses an integration of order 2 in time depending of the numerical method by displacement-time-order=1|2)
the evolution of U at each time step is given by displacement-time-order= 1|2 ;
to do list:
magnetostriction data not optimized for holes.
validate FEM 1D
add magnetostriction case test
add the finest periodical multi scale method
change the sign of the cubic anistropy energy and the magnetic excitation field
bug corrections:
normalization of anisotropy directions done.
to do list:
add a static magnetostriction
magnetostriction data not optimized for holes.
validate FEM 1D
add magnetostriction case test
add the finest periodical multi scale method
add a through holes filter for ie –filter=THROUGH_HOLES[z,uniform,1000,0,327680,0.,1.,1.] for 1000 through uniform holes in the direction z with null seed and max of 327680 random numbers in [0,1] with the probability 1.
bug corrections:
OpenMp array out of bounds in kappa arry in FDM energy computing
restore failing (bad key word)
1D Wave FEM Elastic in progress
if the evaluations number (time-evaluation option) for the time step estimation is null then the time step is computed as the optimal time considering all operators as linear operators.
add a taylor expansion approximation for displacement (time-order / integration-time-method options set to GL1/GL4/TE2)
add a 4-order polynomial time step evaluation (time option set to optimal/quadratic/golden/polynomial)
add a time-initial-reset option to initialize time step to optimal one when considering all operators as linear ones.
add hysteresis-M-init option for hysteresis process to initialize the magnetization for Hext=H0. It may be
empty to initialize M in the same direction of H0
[Mx,My,Mz] to initialize M in the same direction as the 3D vector (Mx,My,Mz)
fileName.aim or fileName.txt to define M with a field description
bug corrections:
FEM elastic strain error computing for gradient of base function integrals
hyperelastic matter bug in tensor buildings
bug correction in reading h-ext option value for floating point values
bug corrections: -bad restore file read in hysteresis process -relaxation rate was not taken into account
saving data in other hysteresis file .data
bug corrections:
last hysteresis data flush added
adding volumic mass parameter in matter
adding volumic mass in displacement operator
testing magnetostriction operator
add an relaxation output file for hysteresis
adding normal holes filter
adding cleaner option in hysteresis process
cases tests added:
normal holes cross tie geometries
bug corrections:
adimensionization of the elastic and magnetic tensors for magnetostriction
adding normal holes filter
adding cleaner option in hysteresis process
adding volumic mass parameter in matter
cases tests added:
normal holes cross tie geometries
bug corrections:
adimensionization of the elastic and magnetic tensors for magnetostriction
adding magnetostriction operator and displacement operators for mixed Dirichlet and Neumann limit condition
adding primary and elementary tests for magnetostriction problem
adding iterative linear system solver package included conjugate gradient method for solving FEM method
adding 4-tensor package for managing the data of magnetoscription process
adding an order to time function evaluation for iterative time step computing
adding an hyper elastic matter
modification of the initialization of the initial time step when it is null for time iterative methods
omp compilation
adding a data files generator module containing a new geometry parser expression toolkit.
bugs correction:
K2 reading in anisotropy operators
bug corrections concerning the path for hysteresis i/o, material data readings,...
adding magnetostriction/displacement operators
splitting the operators package into 5 packages : one per operator (zeeman,exchange,anisotropy,demagnetized,magnetostriction)
adding several implementations of multi grid scale for primary tests validation
adding cubic anisotropy case test for a thin sheet
this version contains the following operators in periodical domains :
exchange with minimal and full storage
anisotropy (planar,uniaxial, cubic and mixed)
demagnetized with 4 implementations of Toeplitz Matrix . vector product
It computes :
hysteresis cycles
It contaoins the test cases with no periodical mesh:
cross tie
periodical cross tie
thin sheet difusion
double vortex bar
Y wires
holed cross tie
The documentation has been updated.
Generated on Mon May 3 2021 14:50:22 for C++ main module for emicrom Package by 1.8.13