C++ main module for emicrom Package  1.0
Periodical Cross Tie Example

The periodical cross tie examples consists in studing a thin sheet of permalloy considered as an infinite periodical sheet in the y-direction.

The first sheet is rectangular with 0.0015625 micron of width (Z direction) , 0.2 micron of height (Y direction) & 0.1 micron of length (X direction). The mesh contains 64 cells in X direction, 64 cells in Y direction & 4 cells in Z-direction. The cell 's size is 1.5625 x 3.125 x 0.390625 nm^3

The second sheet is rectangular with 0.0015625 micron of width (Z direction) , 0.2 micron of height (Y direction) & 0.1 micron of length (X direction). The mesh contains 64 cells in X direction, 128 cells in Y direction & 8 cells in Z-direction. The cell 's size is 1.5625 x 1.5625 x 0.195312 nm^3

The third sheet is rectangular with 0.0015625 micron of width (Z direction), 0.2 micron of height (Y direction) & 0.1 micron (X direction) of length in order to have cubic cell. The mesh contains 64 cells in X direction, 128 cells in Y direction & 1 cells in Z-direction. The cell 's size is 1.5625 x 1.5625 x 1.5625 nm^3

The fourth sheet is rectangular with 0.0015625 micron of width (Z direction), 0.2 micron of height (Y direction) & 0.1 micron (X direction) of length in order to have cubic cell. The mesh contains 256 cells in X direction, 512 cells in Y direction & 4 cells in Z-direction. The cell 's size is 0.390625 x 0.39625 x 0.390625 nm^3

The anisotropy direction U1 is uniformly in the Y-direction with uniaxial crystal type

The initial magnetism M is oriented in the Y direction in half of the domain and in its opposite in the secund part.

Parameter description 64x64x4 - Non Cubic 64x128x8 - Non Cubic 64x128x1 - Cubic 256x512x4- Cubic
Ms Aimantations (A/m) 1.7e6 - - -
K Anisotropy (J/m^3) 1.0e6 - - -
A Exchange (J/m^3) 1.e-9 - - -
Lex exchange length (nm) \f$ \sqrt{\frac{2.A}{\mu.M_s^2}} \f$ 23.47 - - -
L reference length (nm) 3.125 1.5625 1.5625 0.391
L/Lex exchange influence 0.133 0.067 0.067 0.017

The simulation parameters are:
relaxation taylor expansion
time optimal
relaxation rate 1.e-8
toeplitz vector product Tensorial

neighbors value initial magnetism value along y

The compared results for non cubic cells for a thin sheet meshed by 64x64x4 elements for the CDG method and for the SDG method is given as follow:
equilibrium magnetism along x 64x64x4/CDG equilibrium magnetism along y 64x64x4/CDG equilibrium magnetism along z 64x64x4/CDG
equilibrium magnetism, |H| colored in normal plane Ox 64x64x4/CDG equilibrium magnetism, |H| colored in normal plane Oy 64x64x4/CDG equilibrium magnetism, |H| colored in normal plane Oz 64x64x4/CDG
equilibrium magnetism along x 64x64x4/SDG equilibrium magnetism along y 64x64x4/SDG equilibrium magnetism along z 64x64x4/SDG
equilibrium magnetism, |H| colored in normal plane Ox 64x64x4/SDG equilibrium magnetism, |H| colored in normal plane Oy 64x64x4/SDG equilibrium magnetism, |H| colored in normal plane Oz 64x64x4/SDG

total magnetic excitation norm 64x64x4/CDG total magnetic excitation norm 64x64x4/SDG

The evolution of energy during the relaxation process with respect of the iterations are as follow:

energy evolution on the non-cubic mesh 64x64x4/CDG energy evolution on the non cubic mesh 64x64x4/SDG

To validate the code, we compare the results with F77/C++ code with Toeplitz Matrix. Vector product based on 3-levels tensorial method and with SDG-RP method only valid for cubic cells.

The compared results for cubic cells for a thin sheet meshed by 64x128x1 elements for the CDG method , for the SDG method and for the SDG-RP method are given as follow:
equilibrium magnetism, |H| colored in normal plane Oz 64x128x1/CDG equilibrium magnetism, |H| colored in normal plane Oz 64x128x1/SDG equilibrium magnetism, |H| colored in normal plane Oz 64x128x1/SDG-RP

The evolution of energy during the relaxation process with respect of the iterations are as follow:

energy evolution on cubic mesh 64x128x1/CDG energy evolution on cubic mesh 64x128x1/SDG energy evolution on cubic mesh 64x128x1/SDG-RP

We notice differents quilibrium states if the relaxation process is running long time enough (>75 000 iterations) depending on the accuracy of the methods used.

To reach the first equilibrium state, the relaxation criterium is eased to 1.e-7 (|DE/DT| < 1.e-7). We obtain the same results as the non cubic cells:
equilibrium magnetism, |H| colored in normal plane Oz 64x128x1 /SDG equilibrium magnetism, |H| colored in normal plane Oz 64x128x1/SDG-RP