C++ main module for emicrom Package  1.0
Elastic Bar

The elastic bar is an paver of size 4x1x1 microns meshed by 64x16x16 cubic elements.

The matter parameters are as follow:

Ms Aimantations (A/m) 1.7e6
K Anisotropy (J/m^3) 1.e5
A Exchange (J/m^3) 1.e-8
rho volumic mass(kg/m^3) 7.83e3
E Young modulus(Pa) 210e9
nu fish coefficient (no unit) 0.3
L100 magnetostriction constant (no unit) 21.e-6
L111 mmagnetostriction constant(no unit) -21.e-6

The uniaxial anisotropy direction U1 is uniformly in the X-direction.

The initial magnetism M is uniformly in the direction (1,1,1).

There is no external magnetic excitation field.

The displacement is supposed to be a traction with null velocity.

The bar is fixed on the plane x=0 and free constraint anywhere else.

linear displacement U=(Ux,0,0)

2 simulations are launched :

the computation without magnetostriction converges in 700 iterations and stops because of the variation of energy is less than 1.e-8.

The value of of magnetism at equilibrium basic dyoptic grids are plot as follow:

equilibrium magnetism x-value equilibrium magnetism y-value equilibrium magnetism z-value

total magnetic excitation H colored by |Hy| norm of total magnetic excitation H equilibrium magnetism M colored by |Mx|
the simulation with lagnetostriction converges in 1700 iterations and stops because of the variation of energy is less than 1.e-8.

The value of of magnetism at equilibrium basic dyoptic grids are plot as follow:
equilibrium magnetism x-value equilibrium magnetism y-value equilibrium magnetism z-value

total magnetic excitation H colored by N norm of total magnetic excitation H equilibrium magnetism M colored by |Mz|

displacement field Ux at equilibrium

The variation of energies during the first iterations are as follow: < td>
All energies for without magnetostriction all energies for with magnetistriction magnetostriction Energy