C++ main module for emicrom Package
The double vortex bar example consists in computing the equilibrium state in a alpha crystalline bar.
The bar is rectangular with 0.64 micron of width, 0.32 micron of height & 0.32 micron of length.
The mesh constains 64 cells in X direction, 32 cells in Y and 32 cells in Z directions.
mesh |
The matter parameters are as follow:
Ms | Aimantations (A/m) | 0.17e7 |
K | Anisotropy (J/m^3) | 0.42e5 |
A | Exchange (J/m^3) | 1.e-9 |
L | reference length (m) | 1.e-8 |
The anisotropy direction U1 is uniformly in the Y-direction. The initial magnetism M is uniformly in the Y directon
initial magnetism value along y | anisotropy direction |
The relaxation technics converges in 3421 iterations and stops because of the variation of energy is less than 1.e-8.
The value of magnetism field at equilibrium state are plot as follow:
equilibrium magnetism x-value | equilibrium magnetism y-value | equilibrium magnetism z-value |
total magnetic excitation H | norm of total magnetic excitation H | equilibrium magnetism M colored by |H| |