G.-H. Cottet's home page
I have been Professor at the Université Joseph Fourier since 1990 and senior member of the Institut Universitaire de France since 2009.
I was previously Junior Researcher at CNRS and Assistant-Professor at UCLA.
I am a member of the PDE team.
My research is in Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing.
I was the founding chairman LJK from its creation to 2010. From
2011 to 2014 I was the founding coordinator and chairman of AMIES, a national
initiative of CNRS with INRIA and University of Grenoble, to foster
interactions between mathematics and enterprises.
Use the left bar to navigate and find out my past and current projects
and interests.
G.-H. Cottet and P. Koumoutsakos, Vortex
methods: theory and practice, Cambridge University Press,
Companion web site for codes, movies etc ..
A great introduction to the beauty of vortices:"The
Secret Life of Vortices " (computations and movie produced in the
team of P. Koumoutsakos at ETH, Zurich, selected in SIGGRAPH Video
Review 2008)
A movie to explain and illustrate particle
methods for high resolution simulation of scalar transport.
Related paper published in Physical Review Fluids, 2021.