Dominique Duval
Université Grenoble-Alpe -
Laboratoire Jean Kuntzmann (LJK) -
Team CASC -
Tel : +33 4 57 42 17 34
Bâtiment IMAG
- 700 avenue Centrale - Domaine Universitaire de St Martin d'Hères
Semantics of Graphical Databases
This work aims at defining a simple uniform semantics for graphical databases,
generalizing the well-known semantics for relational databases based on
relational calculus.
Joint work with Rachid Echahed and Frédéric Prost:
CONSTRUCT and sub-CONSTRUCT for querying graphical databases.
Logs and Cats - Logics and Categories
Lie-to-children principle
Pinocchio by André Koehne, 2006, CC-BY-SA.
"Because some topics can be extremely difficult to understand, introducing a full level of complexity all at once can be overwhelming. Hence elementary explanations are simplified in a way that makes the lesson more understandable, though technically wrong. A lie-to-children is meant to be eventually replaced with a more sophisticated explanation which is closer to the truth."
Research topics in semantics
Previous research topics in computer algebra
- Dynamic evaluation
Pretending that any natural number is a prime number,
or more generally that any ring is a field,
is a lie-to-children with surprisingly rich and various
- Exact computations on curves
With "rational" Puiseux expansions, one gets more
at a lower price.
Some links