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Revue: Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials

Vol. 564 pp.170028 2022

Micromagnetic modelling of magnetostriction under uniaxial stress I.I. Lobanova, Stéphane Despréaux, Stéphane Labbé, Carola Celada-Casero, Frenk van den Berg Elsevier

Revue: Applications of Modelling and Simulation

Vol. 6 pp.115-121 2022



GPaR Stéphane Despréaux, Aude Maignan

Congrès: SYNASC: 20th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing

pp.53-60 2018

Revue: The R Journal

Vol. 9(1) pp.334-351 2017

flan: An R Package for Inference on Mutation Models Adrien Mazoyer, Rémy Drouilhet, Stéphane Despréaux, Bernard Ycart R Foundation for Statistical Computing

Revue: Reliability Engineering and System Safety

Vol. 116 pp.8--19 2013

An example of integrated approach for the technical and economic optimization of maintenance Emmanuel Rémy, Franck Corset, Stéphane Despréaux, Laurent Doyen, Olivier Gaudoin Elsevier

Congrès: ICNAAM 2012 - International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics

Vol. 1479 pp.678-681 2012

Graph algorithm for the simulation of the interaction between particles Stéphane Despréaux, Roland Hildebrand, Aude Maignan AIPKos, Greece

Congrès: lambda-mu 17 - 17ème Colloque National de Maîtrise des Risques et Sûreté de Fonctionnement


Un exemple d'approche intégrée d'optimisation technico-économique de la maintenance Emmanuel Remy, Franck Corset, Stéphane Despréaux, Laurent Doyen, Olivier Gaudoin La Rochelle, France

Congrès: MMR 2009 - 6th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability


MARS: a software tool for maintenance assessment of repairable systems Olivier Gaudoin, Franck Corset, Laurent Doyen, Stéphane Despréaux Moscou, Russia

Congrès: ICCSA 2009 - 3rd International Conference on Complex Systems and Applications


Dynamical systems based on dynamic graphs. Stéphane Despréaux, Aude Maignan Le Havre, France

Congrès: ISSAC 2009 - 34th International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation - Software Exhibit


Congrès: International Symposium on Plant growth Modeling, simulation, visualization and their Applications 2003 -PMA'03

pp.372-383 2003

Sawing of Logs in Virtual Trees Using 3D Intersection Algorithms Nicolas Szafran, Stéphane Despréaux, Luc Biard, Frédéric Blaise Beijing, China

Revue: Journal of Crystal Growth

Vol. 209(4) pp.983-993 2000

Die optimal shape design for crystal growth process Stéphane Despréaux, Patrick Witomski, Thierry Duffar Elsevier

Revue: Comptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences. Série I, Mathématique

Vol. 329(4) pp.343-346 1999


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