Time Discretizations for Maxwell-Bloch equations


Maxwell-Bloch Equations

In the semi-classical description of laser-matter interaction, the electromagnetic wave is modelled in a classical way using the Maxwell equations, namely

where we set and use similar notations for and . This system is closed via an expression for the polarization .

In the framework of classical models for the interaction is often supposed to be a function of and its derivatives. The semi-classical model involves a less phenomenological description of the interaction and matter is described using the quantum mechanical theory via the density matrix formalism. Schematically the density matrix is a complex matrix that describes the states and transitions in matter. Its diagonal elements (also called populations) are the probability for an atom to be in the quantum state . Only states are supposed to be relevant, which means that . This fact will be called the trace property in the sequel. The off-diagonal elements are called coherences and basically describe transitions between states and . The matrix is Hermitian and its time evolution is given by the Bloch equations:

In these equations where is the energy of the level . The constant matrix is the dipole moment matrix. Its coefficients are the ability of the transition from to to give rise to a contribution to the polarization. The matrix is Hermitian and its diagonal elements are zero. The commutator is defined by . Finally is a phenomenological relaxation term. The main point is that for . We choose the Pauli master equation model for diagonal relaxations, namely . Some conditions has to be imposed on the relaxation rates and to ensure that is a positive matrix. In what follows this property has two useful corollaries: (we recall they are probabilities) and * .

To simplify expressions we will denote by the relaxation-nutation operator given by

Thus the Bloch equations simply read

Finally the Bloch equations are coupled to the Maxwell equations, writing the polarization

where is the atom density.

Dimensionless equations

For the mathematical study and also numerical simulations of this system we use dimensionless equations. Our choice for characteristic values for the different quantities is guided by specific applications where the intensity of the field is high. This may be accounted for by the fact that the Rabi frequency (where and are characteristic values for and respectively) is of the same order as the transition frequencies in atoms. We use this Rabi frequency to obtain dimensionless frequencies, times, and relaxation coefficients. Space and magnetic fields are treated taking into account the light velocity in the vacuum. The density matrix elements remain untouched since they are already dimensionless and of order one.

This procedure is only valid if relaxation rates involve larger time scales than the leading frequency, which is a reasonable hypothesis. Otherwise an asymptotic model that does not take into account coherences (in the first place) should be studied. From now on all variables are dimensionless (but we use the same notation as before) and of order one except one parameter that occurs in the coupling relation, namely . This parameter is typically equal to , which implies that the coupling is not stiff. The dimensionless Maxwell-Bloch equations finally read

In practice we only have to compute and not . The former reads

Now, since numerical simulations nowadays involve only one and two-dimensional models, we give below the precise formulations we use in these contexts. This discussion only concerns the Maxwell equations and the expression of the polarization, since the Bloch equations depend only on space in their coefficients (\textit{via} the electromagnetic field ).

One-dimensional Maxwell equations

Most numerical simulations involve a one-dimensional model. There is indeed no need for higher dimensions to account adequately for most physical phenomena. To derive a one-dimensional model we first suppose that the unknowns depend only on the time and the space variable . Therefore the system decouples yielding

In the one-dimensional context a second hypothesis is often imposed, namely . This leads to the fact that and we only consider system (1.3)(b). To simplify notations in this context we will set , , and . Under this condition formula yields

Two-dimensional Maxwell equations

Since the goal of multi-dimensional simulations is to account for multi-dimensional effects, the second hypothesis for the one-dimensional case is not always relevant. Sometimes two polarization directions, but only a dependence in , is sufficient to model the physical phenomena. If this is not the case, we may suppose that unknowns only depend on time and the space variables and , which also decouples the system. Setting and with similar notations for the other vector valued variables, we have:

where and . These two systems describe respectively the transverse electric (TE) and transverse magnetic (TM) modes. They are coupled via the polarization. Indeed and are both expressed in terms of which is computed using and .

The Cauchy Problem and a priori estimates

In order to study the nonlinear stability of the numerical schemes, we will need \textit{a priori} estimates that are valid both for the continuous model and the discretized models. For this aim -- and more specifically for estimates -- we need to express the system in terms of variables that will vanish at infinity. This is the case for the electromagnetic fields, but the trace of the density matrix is one everywhere, so it cannot vanish. The solution to the system is the thermodynamic equilibrium state for the Bloch equations. Its off-diagonal elements are zero. Since the diagonal elements of are zero we may state that . This implies that will also vanish at infinity. Setting we find that system becomes

This equation may be cast as an equation governing a real vector * valued variable , where (with space dimension ),

where the matrices are symmetric and the function is a polynomial involving only first and second order monomials and therefore vanishes for . Classical arguments from semi-linear hyperbolic theory lead to the following theorem.

Theorem Let be real and , then there exists a time such that equation with the Cauchy data has a unique solution . Moreover this solution is continuous with respect to the initial data.

It is possible to derive estimates due to cancellations that follow from Lemma below, but such cancellations do not always appear when we consider higher derivatives in the equations.

We now show two estimates for the solutions to system . They are interesting in themselves but Estimate is also used to show the convergence of the numerical schemes

lemma: Let , then .

estimate for Bloch variables:

Let be the solution of the Bloch equations, then

Let us now define the pseudo-energy

then we have the estimate

estimate for all the variables:

There exists a constant , that depends only on the matrices , , on and the parameter , such that .

Numerical Time Coupling

The classical finite difference scheme to discretise the Maxwell-Bloch equations is based the Yee method. This method has the advantage of being non-diffusive, but is dispersive. The coupling we perform here displays the same accuracy limitations as those of the Yee method. It is second order, but not satisfactory for computations over long time intervals. We do not make explicit the space discretization and want to be able to treat complex geometries. What follows does not only apply to the Yee scheme, but also to finite volume formulations that use dual Delaunay-Voronoï meshes. We are not interested in using finite element methods for two reasons: the variational formulation would be different when the form of the relaxation operator changes for the populations, and the mass matrix would be unnecessarily difficult to invert.

In this method and are computed on staggered grids in space and time. We only make the time dependence explicit, since we are interested in the time coupling: given a time step , and are the computed values for and . The Faraday and Ampère equations are discretized respectively at time and by

In the sequel we compare different methods for the Bloch equations; these have already been compared in the zero-dimensional case, that is for a forced electromagnetic field. The coupling however leads to new considerations. Indeed the point is now to choose the time of discretization for . In any case it is natural to take the same space locations as for for the Yee scheme and the same mesh as for finite volume approximations.

classical Crank-Nicolson schemes

The literature only uses what we call here strongly coupled methods. The common property for strongly coupled methods is that is computed at time and the Bloch equations are written at time . In both the cases that we present here, the classical Crank-Nicolson scheme reads

The two schemes differ from the expression for the coupling.

In some litterature, the coupling with the Maxwell equations is performed using a value for at times and computing

In others, the coupling with the Maxwell equations is done using the formulation for . The right handside in the Ampere equation reads

In both cases the nonlinear semi-implicit term involving in the Bloch equation is solved using a predictor-corrector scheme or a fixed-point procedure and couples all the spatial discretization points via the Ampère equation.

weakly coupled methods

A simple but new way to decouple the Ampere and Bloch equations is to discretise at time . Hence in the Ampère equation the right handside, which we always base on formulation , reads

and has already been computed when we have to evaluate this quantity.

A Crank-Nicolson scheme for the Bloch equations now reads

We still have to perform a fixed-point procedure to solve the Ampère equation in the two- and three-dimensional cases. This is not necessary in the one-dimensional case. Besides at each time step, the Bloch equations associated with each discretization point evolve separately (and are very small systems to invert). They may be computed using a parallel implementation, which is even more useful for two and three-dimensional codes.

Crank-Nicolson schemes have the drawback that they lead to the non-conservation of positiveness properties. For example populations may not remain in the interval . Nevertheless we may estimate the Bloch variables on a time interval . Namely, for example for the weakly coupled Crank-Nicolson scheme, the following lemma holds true.


There exist and that depend only on the matrix , such that for all and all such that ,

This estimate will be used in the proof of the convergence for this scheme.

A new scheme for the Bloch equations may be constructed. This handles positiveness problems and is based on a splitting procedure. The main point is that we know how to solve exactly the relaxation-nutation part

and the Hamiltonian part

separately and each part preserves positiveness. Denoting respectively by and the semi-groups associated to these equations, we obtain a second order scheme by computing

It is both positiveness preserving and decoupled. A second order approximation to which still ensures positiveness is given in litterature , as well as specific Fadeev Formulae that lead to a very efficient evaluation of this term, which may also be computed on parallel architectures.

In terms of theoretical properties and of efficiency the weakly coupled splitting scheme is the best of all the methods presented here. In particular the equivalent of above Lemma is the physical estimate . Next we also compare them from the point of view of the quality of the computed solutions.

Nonlinear stability results

In this section we show that the weakly coupled Crank-Nicolson scheme and the splitting scheme are both nonlinearly stable under suitable Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy conditions. We suppose that the Yee scheme is implemented on a uniform space grid with mesh step .


The weakly coupled Crank-Nicolson and splitting schemes are nonlinearly -stable for and , where and depend only on the coefficients of the equations.


The CFL condition that follows from the proof of the theorem is not much more restrictive than that of the Yee scheme. Indeed, for the Yee scheme should be less than 1 and here we obtain a condition that reads .


FOR MORE DETAILS ON THIS ARTICLE SEE, " Time discretizations for maxwell-Bloch equations" of B. Bidégaray.

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