C++ main module for mmsd Package  1.0

This package contains classes for solving linear problems. More...

This package contains classes for solving linear problems.

This package is based on blas/lapack routines:

It contains :

LAP_EfficiencyTest describes a test to compare efficiency of linear methods in different matrix storage

The organization of this package is as follow:


The test case consists in building a cube discretized in each direction by N segments and to compute an exchange matrix : 6 on the diagonal at position (i,i) and -1 for all cubes j connected to it. It leads to a matrix A of size $ N^3 \times N^2 $. The test consists in computing the times to compute the cholesky factorization A=tU.U , to make the product Y=tU.U.X and to solve U.X=Y. The cpu times are as follow in ms:

For Cholesky factorization: A=tU.U

N / Storage Full Packed banded
2 0 0 0
8 20 40 02
16 1845 9628 36
32 887980 5444598 3442
64 X X 437900

For rank product: Y=tU.U X

N / Storage Full Packed banded
2 0 0 0 (#bands=5)
8 0 1 0 (#bands=65)
16 12 13 1 (#bands=257)
32 763 896 53 (#bands=1025)
64 memory error memory error 1603

For solver: U.X=Y

N / Storage Full Packed banded
2 0 0 0
8 1 0 0
16 8 6 1
32 452 432 27
64 X X 782