Olivier Gaudoin - Publications

My publications on Google Scholar


O. Gaudoin, J. Ledoux : "Modélisation aléatoire en fiabilité des logiciels"
Hermès Science Publications, 2007.

Journal papers and book chapters

H. Zhang, Z. Wang, X. Liu, O. Gaudoin, M. Xie :"Joint optimization of condition-based production and maintenance with mutual production-deterioration dependencies"
Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 256, 110679, 2025.
L. Bautista, I.T. Castro, C. Bérenguer, O. Gaudoin, L. Doyen :"First hitting time distribution and cost assessment in a two-unit system with dependent degradation processes subject to imperfect maintenance"
Journal of Risk and Reliability, 239 (1), 182-206, 2025.
T. Cousino, F. Brissaud, L. Doyen, O. Gaudoin, L. Marle :"Imperfect maintenance modelling and estimation for interval-censored data"
Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 252, 110424, 2024.
L. Bautista, I.T. Castro, C. Bérenguer, O. Gaudoin, L. Doyen :"Correlation analysis of degrading systems based on bivariate Wiener processes under imperfect maintenance"
Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, 40 (6), 1651-1674, 2024.
M. Leroy, C. Bérenguer, L. Doyen, O. Gaudoin :"Modelling and inference for a degradation process with partial maintenance effects"
Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 40 (7), 3729-3750, 2024.
M. Leroy, C. Bérenguer, L. Doyen, O. Gaudoin :"Statistical inference for a Wiener-based degradation model with imperfect maintenance actions under different observation schemes"
Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, 39 (3), 352-371, 2023.
M. El-Aroui, O. Gaudoin :"Imperfect repair models: sequential goodness-of-fit testing based on predictive performances"
Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 39, 609-629, 2023.
X. Wang, O. Gaudoin, L. Doyen, C. Bérenguer, M. Xie :"Modeling multivariate degradation processes with time-variant covariates and imperfect maintenance effects"
Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, 37 (3), 592-611, 2021.
M. Krit, O. Gaudoin, E. Remy :"Goodness-of-fit tests for the Weibull and Extreme-Value distributions: a review and comparative study"
Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 50 (7), 1888-1911, 2021.
X. Zhao, P. Chen, O. Gaudoin, L. Doyen :"Accelerated degradation tests with inspection effects"
European Journal of Operations Research, 292, 1099-1114, 2021.
L. Doyen, O. Gaudoin :"Discussion of ``Virtual age: is it real?''"
Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, 37 (1), 21-23, 2021.
X. Zhao, O. Gaudoin, L. Doyen, M. Xie :"Optimal inspection and replacement policy based on experimental degradation data with covariates"
IISE Transactions, 51 (3), 322-336, 2019.
J.Y. Dauxois, S. Gasmi, O. Gaudoin :"Semiparametric inference for an extended geometric failure rate reduction model"
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 199, 14-28, 2019.
M. A. El Aroui, O. Gaudoin :"On prequential omnibus goodness-of-fit tests for discrete-time stochastic processes: a numerical study"
Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, vol. 47 (3), pp 747-761, 2018.
L. Doyen, O. Gaudoin, A. Syamsundar :"On geometric reduction of age or intensity models for imperfect maintenance"
Reliability Engineering and System Safety, vol. 168, pp 40-52, 2017.
C. Chauvel, J.Y. Dauxois, L. Doyen, O. Gaudoin : "Parametric bootstrap goodness-of-fit tests for imperfect maintenance models"
IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 65 (3), 1343-1359, 2016.
M. Krit, O. Gaudoin, M. Xie, E. Remy :"Simplified likelihood-based goodness-of-fit tests for the Weibull distribution"
Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 45 (3), 920-951, 2016.
M. Zhang, O. Gaudoin, M. Xie :"Degradation-based maintenance decision using stochastic filtering for systems under imperfect maintenance"
European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 245, 531-541, 2015.
Y. Dijoux, O. Gaudoin :"Generalized random sign and alert delay models for imperfect maintenance"
Lifetime Data Analysis, vol. 20 (2), pp 185-209, 2014.
M. Zhang, M. Xie, O. Gaudoin :"A bivariate maintenance policy for a multi-state repairable system with monotone process"
IEEE Transactions on Reliability, vol. 62 (4), pp 876-886, 2013.
E. Remy, F. Corset, S. Despréaux, L. Doyen, O. Gaudoin :"An example of integrated approach for the technical and economic optimization of maintenance"
Reliability Engineering and System Safety, vol. 116, pp 8-19, 2013.
F. Corset, L. Doyen, O. Gaudoin : "Bayesian analysis of ARA imperfect repair models"
Communications in Statistics, Theory and Methods, vol. 41 (21), pp 3915-3941, 2012.
O. Gaudoin, E. Remy : "Modelling and assessment of maintenance efficiency of repairable systems"
in European Success Stories in Industrial Mathematics, T. Lery et al eds., Springer, p 57, 2012.
L. Doyen, O. Gaudoin : "Modelling and assessment of aging and efficiency of corrective and planned preventive maintenance"
IEEE Transactions on Reliability, vol. 60 (4), pp 759-769, 2011.
Y. Dijoux, O. Gaudoin : "The alert-delay competing risks model for maintenance analysis"
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, vol. 139 (5), pp 1587-1603, 2009.
Y. Dijoux, L. Doyen, O. Gaudoin : "Conditionally independent generalized competing risks for maintenance analysis"
in Advances in Mathematical Modeling for Reliability, T. Bedford, J. Quigley, L. Walls, B. Alkali, A. Daneshkhah and G. Hardman eds., IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp 88-95, 2008.
L. Doyen, O. Gaudoin : "Imperfect maintenance in a generalized competing risks framework"
Journal of Applied Probability, vol. 43 (3), pp 825-839, 2006.
O. Gaudoin, B. Yang, M. Xie : "Confidence intervals for the scale parameter of the power-law process"
Communications in Statistics, Theory and Methods, vol. 35 (8), pp 1525-1538, 2006.
J.B. Durand, O. Gaudoin : "Software reliability modelling and prediction with hidden Markov chains"
Statistical Modelling, vol. 5 (1), pp 75-93, 2005.
L. Doyen, O. Gaudoin : "Classes of imperfect repair models based on reduction of failure intensity or virtual age"
Reliability Engineering and System Safety, vol. 84 (1), pp 45-56, 2004.
M. Xie, B. Yang, O. Gaudoin : "Sensitivity analysis in optimal software release time problems"
Opsearch, vol. 41 (4), pp 250-263, 2004.
L. Doyen, O. Gaudoin : "Stochastic modelling of the effect of preventive and corrective maintenance on repairable systems reliability"
in Mathematical and Statistical methods in Reliability , K. Doksum and B. Lindqvist eds., World Scientific, Singapore, pp 371-386, 2003.
C. Bracquemond, O. Gaudoin : "A survey on discrete lifetime distributions"
International Journal on Reliability, Quality, and Safety Engineering, vol. 10 (1), pp 69-98, 2003.
O. Gaudoin, M. Xie, B. Yang : "A simple Goodness-of-Fit test for the Power-Law process based on the Duane plot"
IEEE Transactions on Reliability, vol. 52 (1), pp 69-74, 2003.
M. Xie, O. Gaudoin, C. Bracquemond : "Redefining failure rate function for discrete distributions"
International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering, vol. 9 (3), pp 275-286, 2002.
O. Gaudoin : "Some statistical methods in maintenance management"
in Handbook of Maintenance Management - Optimisation and Data, L. Petterson ed., An ESReDA working group report, Statistical Series n°5, Det Norske Veritas, Oslo, pp 132-145, 2001.
C. Bracquemond, O. Gaudoin, D. Roy, M. Xie : "On some discrete notions of aging"
in System and Bayesian Reliability, a volume in honor of Richard E. Barlow, Y. Hayakawa, T. Irony and M. Xie eds, World Scientific, Singapore, pp 185-197, 2001.
M. Xie, Z. Yang, O. Gaudoin : "More on the mis-specification of the shape parameter with Weibull-to-exponential transformation"
Quality and Reliability Engineering International, vol. 16, pp 281-290, 2000.
O. Gaudoin : "Software reliability models with two debugging rates"
International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering, vol. 6 (1), pp 31-42, 1999.
E. Crétois, M.A. El Aroui, O. Gaudoin : "U-plot method for testing the Goodness-of-Fit of the Power-Law Process"
Communications in Statistics, Theory and Methods, vol. 28 (7), pp 1731-1747, 1999.
O. Gaudoin : "CPIT goodness-of-fit tests for reliability growth models"
in Statistical and Probabilistic Models in Reliability, D. C. Ionescu & N. Limnios eds, Birkhaüser, Boston, pp 27-37, 1999.
E. Crétois, O. Gaudoin : "New results on goodness-of-fit tests for the power-law process and application to software reliability"
International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering, vol. 5 (3), pp 249-267, 1998.
O. Gaudoin : "CPIT goodness-of-fit tests for the power-law process"
Communications in Statistics, Theory and Methods, vol. 27 (1), pp 165-180, 1998.
O. Gaudoin, J.L. Soler : "Failure rate behavior of components subjected to random stresses"
Reliability Engineering and System Safety, vol. 58 (1), pp 19-30, 1997.
O. Gaudoin, C. Lavergne, J.L. Soler : "A generalized geometric de-eutrophication software-reliability model"
IEEE Transactions on Reliability, R 43 (4), pp 536-541, 1994.
O. Gaudoin, C. Lavergne : "Estimation in a two variance component model when one component is known"
Statistics, vol 25, pp 97-106, 1994.
O. Gaudoin, J.L. Soler : "Statistical analysis of the geometric de-eutrophication software-reliability model"
IEEE Transactions on Reliability, R 41 (4), pp 518-524, 1992.
O. Gaudoin : "Optimal properties of the Laplace trend test for software-reliability models"
IEEE Transactions on Reliability, R 41 (4), pp 525-532, 1992.
O. Gaudoin, J.L. Soler : "Modèles pour l'étude de la fiabilité des systèmes présentant des fautes de conception. Application à l'évaluation de la fiabilité des logiciels"
Revue de statistique appliquée, XXXX (2), pp 91-98, 1992.

Conference papers

O. Gaudoin :"Estimation in degradation models with imperfect maintenance"
IMS International Conference on Statistics and Data Science, ICSDS 2024, Nice, France, December 2024.
I. Dewan, Y. Dijoux, O. Gaudoin :"Maintenance process modelling for systems subjected to multiple failure mechanisms and maintenance actions"
8th International Conference on System Reliability and Safety and 8th International Conference on Reliability Engineering, Catania, Italy, November 2024.
L. Bautista, C. Bérenguer, I.T. Castro, L. Doyen, O. Gaudoin :"Preventive maintenance data analysis for a bivariate Wiener model based on the degradation jumps"
8th International Conference on System Reliability and Safety and 8th International Conference on Reliability Engineering, Catania, Italy, November 2024.
T. Cousino, F. Brissaud, L. Marle, L. Doyen, O. Gaudoin :"Modélisation de maintenances imparfaites et estimation paramétrique à partir de données censurées à gauche"
24ème Colloque National de Maîtrise des Risques et Sûreté de Fonctionnement, lambda-mu 24, Bourges, October 2024
Cette présentation a obtenu le prix lambda-mu d'or de la meilleure communication interactive.
T. Cousino, F. Brissaud, L. Marle, L. Doyen, O. Gaudoin :"Parametric estimation of ageing and maintenance efficiency for left censored data"
34th European Safety and Reliability International Conference, ESREL 2024, Krakow, Poland, June 2024.
L. Bautista, C. Bérenguer, I.T. Castro, L. Doyen, O. Gaudoin :"Parameter estimation in a bivariate Wiener degradation process subject to imperfect preventive maintenance considering five observation schemes"
34th European Safety and Reliability International Conference, ESREL 2024, Krakow, Poland, June 2024.
T. Cousino, F. Brissaud, L. Marle, L. Doyen, O. Gaudoin :"A new maintenance efficiency model and inference method for interval censored failure data"
33rd European Safety and Reliability International Conference, ESREL 2023, Southampton, United Kingdom, September 2023.
L. Bautista, C. Bérenguer, I.T. Castro, L. Doyen, O. Gaudoin :"Imperfect maintenance policy in a degrading system with two dependent components"
33rd European Safety and Reliability International Conference, ESREL 2023, Southampton, United Kingdom, September 2023.
L. Bautista, C. Bérenguer, I.T. Castro, L. Doyen, O. Gaudoin, :"Imperfect maintenance in a correlated bivariate Wiener model"
17th Summer Safety and Reliability Seminars, SSARS 2023, Krakow, Poland, July 2023.
L. Bautista, C. Bérenguer, I.T. Castro, L. Doyen, O. Gaudoin, :"First hitting time distribution in a two-component system subject to a degradation and imperfect maintenance"
12th IMA International Conference on Modelling in Industrial Maintenance and Reliability, MIMAR 2023, Nottingham, UK, July 2023.
X.Xi, C. Bérenguer, L. Doyen, O. Gaudoin, :"Estimation of degradation model parameters: impact of the information concerning degradation levels and failure times"
12th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability, MMR 2023, Murcia, Spain, June 2023.
M. Leroy, C. Bérenguer, L. Doyen, O. Gaudoin, :"A new ARD-type degradation and maintenance model based on two dependent Wiener processes"
12th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability, MMR 2023, Murcia, Spain, June 2023.
T. Cousino, F. Brissaud, L. Marle, L. Doyen, O. Gaudoin, :"Imperfect maintenance modelling and estimation for interval censored data"
12th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability, MMR 2023, Murcia, Spain, June 2023.
L. Bautista, C. Bérenguer, I.T. Castro, L. Doyen, O. Gaudoin, :"Correlation analysis in a system subject to a Wiener bivariate degradation model and imperfect repairs"
12th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability, MMR 2023, Murcia, Spain, June 2023.
T. Cousino, F. Brissaud, L. Marle, L. Doyen, O. Gaudoin :"Estimation du vieillissement d'actifs industriels et de l'efficacité de maintenance avec des données censurées par intervalle"
23ème Colloque National de Maîtrise des Risques et Sûreté de Fonctionnement, lambda-mu 23, Saclay, October 2022.
M. Leroy, C. Bérenguer, L. Doyen, O. Gaudoin :"Parameter estimation for a degradation-based imperfect maintenance model with different information levels"
32nd European Safety and Reliability International Conference, ESREL 2022, Dublin, Ireland, August 2022.
T. Cousino, F. Brissaud, L. Marle, L. Doyen, O. Gaudoin :"Estimation of industrial assets ageing and maintenance efficiency with interval censored data"
32nd European Safety and Reliability International Conference, ESREL 2022, Dublin, Ireland, August 2022.
M. Leroy, C. Bérenguer, L. Doyen, O. Gaudoin :"Statistical inference for a Wiener-based degradation model with imperfect maintenance actions under different observation schemes"
ENBIS Spring Meeting 2022, Grenoble, France, May 2022.
X. Wang, O. Gaudoin, L. Doyen, C. Bérenguer, M. Xie :"Modeling multivariate degradation processes with time-variant covariates and imperfect maintenance effects"
31st European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2021 , Angers, France, September 2021.
M.A. El Aroui, O. Gaudoin, :"Prequential goodness-of-fit tests for ARA imperfect maintenance models"
11th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability, MMR 2019, Hong Kong, China, June 2019.
O. Gaudoin, X. Zhao, L. Doyen :"Optimal inspection and replacement policy based on experimental degradation data with covariates"
11th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability, MMR 2019, Hong Kong, China, June 2019.
M. Krit, O. Gaudoin, E. Remy :"Goodness-of-fit tests for the Weibull and Extreme Value distributions: a review and a comparative study"
1st Euro-Mediterranean Conference on Mathematical Reliability, ECMR 2018, Djerba, Tunisia, July 2018.
J.Y. Dauxois, S. Gasmi, O. Gaudoin :"Semiparametric Inference for an Extended Geometric Failure Rate Reduction Model"
2018 Annual Meeting of the Statistical Society of Canada, Montréal, Canada, June 2018 .
L. Brenière, L. Doyen, O. Gaudoin : "Estimation and goodness-of-fit tests for virtual age models: single system vs multi-systems"
10th IMA International Conference on Modelling in Industrial Maintenance and Reliability, MIMAR 2018, Manchester, United Kingdom, June 2018.
J.Y. Dauxois, S. Gasmi, O. Gaudoin :"Statistical Inference in a model of imperfect maintenance with geometric reduction of intensity"
10th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability, MMR 2017, Grenoble, France, July 2017.
A. Syamsundar, L. Doyen, O. Gaudoin :"GRA and GRI imperfect maintenance models: new results"
10th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability, MMR 2017, Grenoble, France, July 2017.
J.Y. Dauxois, S. Gasmi, O. Gaudoin :"Statistical Inference in a model of imperfect maintenance with geometric reduction of intensity"
17th Conference of the Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis International Society, ASMDA 2017, London, United Kingdom, June 2017.
O. Gaudoin, E. Remy : "Vieillissement et maintenance en fiabilité : modélisation et inférence statistique"
Les Rencontres du Numérique de l'ANR, Paris, France, November 2016.
C. Chauvel, J.Y. Dauxois, L. Doyen, O. Gaudoin : "Parametric bootstrap goodness-of-fit tests for imperfect maintenance models"
9th IMA International Conference on Modelling in Industrial Maintenance and Reliability, MIMAR 2016, London, United Kingdom, July 2016.
F. Privé, O. Gaudoin, E. Remy : "Goodness-of-fit tests for the Weibull distribution with censored data"
6th International Conference on Accelerated Life Testing and Degradation Models, ALT 2016, Troyes, France, June 2016.
J.Y. Dauxois, S. Gasmi, O. Gaudoin : "Semiparametric inference in an imperfect maintenance model"
4th Workshop of ANR project AMMSI, Grenoble, France, January 2016.
C. Chauvel, J.Y. Dauxois, L. Doyen, O. Gaudoin : "Parametric bootstrap goodness-of-fit tests for imperfect maintenance models"
4th Workshop of ANR project AMMSI, Grenoble, France, January 2016.
F. Corset, L. Doyen, O. Gaudoin : "Bayesian analysis of ARA imperfect maintenance models with corrective and planned preventive maintenance"
60th ISI World Statistics Congress, ISI 2015, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 2015.
L. Doyen, O. Gaudoin, A. Syamsundar : "On Geometric Reduction of Age or Intensity Models for Imperfect Maintenance"
9th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability, MMR 2015, Tokyo, Japan, June 2015.
M. Krit, O. Gaudoin, E. Remy : "Tests d'adéquation à la loi de Weibull : données complètes et censurées"
19ème Colloque National de Maîtrise des Risques et Sûreté de Fonctionnement, lambda-mu 19, Dijon, France, October 2014.
M. Zhang, M. Xie, O. Gaudoin : "Applying the Improvement Factor Method to the Degradation Rate"
16th Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Advanced Reliability and Maintenance Modeling, APARM 2014, Sapporo, Japan, August 2014.
M. Abadie, M. Chevalier, F. Corset, L. Doyen, R. Drouilhet, O. Gaudoin : "Accelerated degradation tests with successive measures"
5th International Conference on Accelerated Life Testing and Degradation Models, ALT 2014, Pau, France, June 2014.
M. Zhang, M. Xie, O. Gaudoin : "A bivariate maintenance policy for a multi-state deteriorating system"
2nd Workshop of ANR project AMMSI, Toulouse, France, January 2014.
O. Gaudoin :"Quelques méthodes probabilistes et statistiques pour l'évaluation de la fiabilité et de la maintenance de matériels industriels"
Workshop EDF R&D pour l'année internationale de la statistique, WorkStat 2013, Clamart, France, November 2013.
M. Krit, O. Gaudoin, M. Xie, E. Remy :"New Likelihood-based goodness-of-fit tests for the Weibull distribution"
24th European Safety and Reliability International Conference, ESREL 2013, Amsterdam, Netherlands, September 2013.
M. Zhang, M. Xie, O. Gaudoin :"An optimal maintenance policy for a multi-state deteriorating system"
59th session of the International Statistical Institute, ISI 2013, Hong Kong, China, August 2013.
Y. Dijoux, O. Gaudoin :"Generalized random sign and alert delay models for imperfect maintenance"
8th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability, MMR 2013, Stellenbosch, South Africa, July 2013.
M. Krit, O. Gaudoin, M. Xie, E. Remy : "Likelihood-based goodness-of-fit tests for the Weibull and Extreme-Value distributions"
1st Workshop of ANR project AMMSI, Pau, France, January 2013.
Y. Dijoux, O. Gaudoin : "Generalized random sign and alert delay models for imperfect maintenance"
1st Workshop of ANR project AMMSI, Pau, France, January 2013.
M. Krit, O. Gaudoin : "Review and comparison of goodness-of-fit tests for the exponential and Weibull distributions"
23rd European Safety and Reliability International Conference, PSAM 11-ESREL 2012, Helsinki, Finland, June 2012.
F. Corset, L. Doyen, O. Gaudoin : "Bayesian analysis of ARA imperfect repair models"
4th International Conference on Accelerated Life Testing and Degradation Models: Industry, Medicine and Social Science, ALT 2012, Rennes, France, June 2012.
F. Corset, L. Doyen, O. Gaudoin : "Bayesian analysis of the ARA_infinity imperfect maintenance model"
7th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability, MMR 2011, Beijing, China, June 2011.
E. Rémy, F. Corset, S. Despréaux, L. Doyen, O. Gaudoin : "Un exemple d'approche intégrée d'optimisation technico-économique de la maintenance"
17ème Colloque National de Maîtrise des Risques et Sûreté de Fonctionnement, lambda-mu 17, La Rochelle, October 2010.
F. Bayle, B. Bonan, M. Defour, O. Gaudoin : "Mesure de la fiabilité en exploitation : est-ce si facile ?"
17ème Colloque National de Maîtrise des Risques et Sûreté de Fonctionnement, lambda-mu 17, La Rochelle, October 2010.
L. Doyen, O. Gaudoin : "Joint assessment of ageing and efficiency of corrective and planned preventive maintenance"
1st International Conference on the Interface between Statistics and Engineering, ICISE 2009, Beijing, China, July 2009.
F. Corset, S. Despréaux, L. Doyen, O. Gaudoin : "MARS : a software tool for Maintenance Assessment of Repairable Systems"
6th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability, MMR 2009, Moscow, Russia, June 2009.
L. Doyen, O. Gaudoin : "Imperfect repair with planned preventive maintenance"
6th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability, MMR 2009, Moscow, Russia, June 2009.
L. Doyen, M.A. Garnero, O. Gaudoin, E. Rémy, V. Verrier : "MARS : un outil logiciel d'évaluation de l'efficacité des maintenances des systèmes réparables"
16ème Colloque National de Maîtrise des Risques et Sûreté de Fonctionnement, lambda-mu 16, Avignon, October 2008.
Y. Dijoux, O. Gaudoin : "Two generalized competing risks models for maintenance analysis"
14th ISSAT International Conference on Reliability and Quality in Design, Orlando, USA, August 2008.
Y. Dijoux, L. Doyen, O. Gaudoin : "Conditionally independent generalized competing risks for maintenance analysis"
5th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability, MMR 2007, Glasgow, United Kingdom, July 2007.
O. Gaudoin : "Some issues on imperfect maintenance and competing risks"
2nd International Conference on Reliability and Safety Engineering, INCRESE 06, Chennai, India, December 2006.
B. Yang, O. Gaudoin, H.Z. Huang, M. Xie : "Parameter estimation for the log-power software reliability model"
1st IEEE International Conference on System Integration and Reliability Improvements, SIRI 2006, Hanoi, Vietnam, December 2006.
F. Corset, Y. Dijoux, L. Doyen, M.A. Garnero, O. Gaudoin, S. Lacombe, E. Remy : "Analyse bayésienne d'un modèle de maintenance imparfaite"
15ème Colloque National de Maîtrise des Risques et Sûreté de Fonctionnement, lambda-mu 15, Lille, October 2006.
Y. Dijoux, O. Gaudoin : "A dependent competing risks model for maintenance analysis, the Alert-Delay model"
International Conference on Degradation, Damage, Fatigue and Accelerated Life Models in Reliability Testing, ALT'2006, Angers, May 2006.
Y. Dijoux, L. Doyen, O. Gaudoin : "Simultaneous assessment of the efficiency of preventive and corrective maintenance for repairable systems in a competing risk framework"
16th European Safety and Reliability International Conference, ESREL 2005, Tri City, Poland, June 2005.
L. du Bousquet, O. Gaudoin : "Telephony feature validation against eventuality properties and interaction detection based on a statistical analysis of the time to service"
8th International Conference on Feature Interactions in Telecommunications and Software Systems, ICFI'05, Leicester, United Kingdom, June 2005.
G. Berger-Sabbatel, A. Duda, O. Gaudoin, M. Heusse, F. Rousseau : "On the fairness and its influence on the delay in 802.11 networks"
IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (Globecom 2004), Dallas, USA, November 2004.
C. Domecq, L. Doyen, M.A. Garnero, O. Gaudoin, S. Lacombe, A. Lannoy : "Evaluation de l'éfficacité de la maintenance de matériels réparables"
14ème Colloque National de Maûtrise des Risques et Sûreté de Fonctionnement, lambda-mu 14, Bourges, France, October 2004.
J.B. Durand, O. Gaudoin : "Software reliability modelling and assessment with hidden Markov chains"
4th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability, MMR 2004, Santa Fe, USA, June 2004.
L. Doyen, O. Gaudoin : "The arithmetic reduction of intensity imperfect repair models"
1st International French-Russian Workshop on Longevity, Aging and Degradation Models in Reliability, Public Health, Medicine and Biology, St Petersburg, Russia, June 2004.
M.A. El Aroui, O. Gaudoin : "On the use of prequential tools for assessing the goodness-of-fit of stochastic processes"
54th session of the International Statistical Institute, Berlin, Germany, August 2003.
O. Gaudoin : "On discrete Weibull distributions"
3rd Intenational Conference on Reliability and Survival Analysis, ICRSA 2003, Columbia, USA, May 2003.
C. Bracquemond, O. Gaudoin : "The empirical failure rate of discrete reliability data"
3rd International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability, MMR 2002, Trondheim, Norway, June 2002.
L. Doyen, O. Gaudoin : "Models for assessing maintenance efficiency"
3rd International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability, MMR 2002, Trondheim, Norway, Juin 2002.
J.B. Durand, O. Gaudoin : "Modélisation du processus des défaillances et corrections d'un logiciel par chaînes de Markov cachées"
34èmes journées de Statistique, Bruxelles, Belgium, May 2002.
L. Doyen, O. Gaudoin : "Stochastic modelling of maintenance effect on system lifetime"
22nd European Safety, Reliability and Data Association (ESReDA) Seminar, Madrid, Spain, May 2002.
L. Doyen, O. Gaudoin : "Modeling and assessment of maintenance efficiency for repairable systems"
13th European Safety and Reliability International Conference, ESREL 2002, Lyon, March 2002.
M. Xie, B.Yang, O.Gaudoin : "Regression goodness-of-fit for software reliability model validation"
12th International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering, ISSRE 2001, Hong-Kong, China, November 2001.
C. Bracquemond, M. Chevalier, O. Gaudoin : "Modeling the ageing of nonrepairable systems in discrete time"
12th European Safety and Reliability International Conference, ESREL 2001, Torino, Italia, September 2001.
O. Gaudoin, M. Xie, B.Yang : "On the R-squared goodness-of-fit test for the Power-Law Process"
7th ISSAT International Conference on Reliability and Quality in Design, Washington D.C., USA, August 2001.
C. Bracquemond, O. Gaudoin, M. Xie : "Towards a new definition of failure rate for discrete distributions"
10th International Symposium on Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis, ASMDA 2001, Compiègne, June 2001.
C. Bracquemond, E.Crétois, O. Gaudoin : "Tests d'adéquation aux modèles de fiabilité en temps discret ; application à la loi géométrique"
33èmes journées de Statistique, Nantes, May 2001.
C. Bracquemond, M. Chevalier, O. Gaudoin : "Critères de choix de modèles de fiabilité en temps discret pour l'analyse du retour d'expériences"
4ème Conférence Qualité et Sûreté de Fonctionnement, Qualita 2001, Annecy, March 2001.
O. Gaudoin : "Stochastic modeling of the reliability of non repairable and repairable systems : Similarities and major differences"
19th European Safety, Reliability and Data Association (ESReDA), Lyon, October 2000.
O. Gaudoin, C. Zahalca : "Reliability of XLPE cables under lightning impulse voltages"
2nd International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability, MMR 2000, Bordeaux, July 2000.
F. Arnoux, O. Gaudoin, C. Makni : "The Generalized Power Family in Software Reliability data analysis"
2nd International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability, MMR 2000, Bordeaux, July 2000.
C. Bracquemond, M. Chevalier, O. Gaudoin : "Modèles de fiabilité en temps discret"
12ème Colloque National de Sûreté de Fonctionnement, lambda-mu 12, Montpellier, March 2000.
S. Di Piazza, O. Gaudoin, C. Le Garrec : "Constance des paramètres de Sûreté de Fonctionnement en exploitation"
12ème Colloque National de Sûreté de Fonctionnement, lambda-mu 12, Montpellier, March 2000.
E. Crétois, M.A. El Aroui, O. Gaudoin : "Software reliability model selection : a new look on the U-plot method"
5th ISSAT International Conference on Reliability and Quality in Design, Las Vegas, USA, August 1999.
C. Zahalca, O. Gaudoin : "Estimation de la sensibilité d'un système à un environnement aléatoire stressant"
31èmes journées de Statistique, Grenoble, May 1999.
O. Gaudoin, E. Crétois, M. Xie : "Goodness-of-fit tests for the log-power software reliability model"
1st Workshop on Reliability Modeling and Analysis - From Theory to Practice, Singapore, November 1998.
E. Crétois, M.A. El Aroui, O. Gaudoin : "Tests préquentiels d'adéquation aux modèles de croissance de fiabilité"
30èmes journées de Statistique, Rennes, May 1998.
O. Gaudoin : "Méthodologie de l'évaluation statistique de la fiabilité des logiciels"
1er Congrès de la Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et Aide a la Décision, conférence invitée, Paris, January 1998.
O. Gaudoin : "CPIT goodness-of-fit tests for reliability growth models"
1st International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability, MMR 97, Bucharest, Romania, September 1997.
O. Gaudoin : "Tests d'adéquation CPIT au modèle de Duane - Application en fiabilité"
29èmes journées de Statistique, Carcassonne, May 1997.
O. Gaudoin, E. Crétois : "New results on goodness-of-fit tests for the power-law process and application to software reliability"
3rd ISSAT International Conference on Reliability and Quality in Design, Anaheim, USA, March 1997.
M. Chevalier, O. Gaudoin : "Estimation des taux de production et défaillance d'un processus industriel"
2ème Congrès pluridisciplinaire Qualité et Sûreté de Fonctionnement, Angers, March 1997.
O. Gaudoin : "Fiabilité de composants soumis à des stress"
17èmes rencontres franco-belges de statisticiens - Analyse Statistique des Modèles de Durée, conférence invitée, Marne-la-Vallée, November 1996.
O. Gaudoin : "Modèles probabilistes et méthodes statistiques en fiabilité des logiciels"
Rencontre Recherche-Industrie sur la fiabilité des logiciels, Grenoble, June 1995.
O. Gaudoin : "LogiFiab, un outil de mise en oeuvre de méthodes et modèles stochastiques pour l'évaluation de la fiabilité des logiciels"
25èmes journées de Statistique, Vannes, May 1993.
O. Gaudoin : "Estimation d'une composante de la variance dans un modèle linéaire mixte"
23èmes journées de Statistique, Strasbourg, May 1991.
O. Gaudoin : "Modèles pour l'étude de la fiabilité des systèmes présentant des fautes de conception - Application à la fiabilité des logiciels"
11èmes rencontres franco-belges de statisticiens - Statistique et Industrie, Marseille, November 1990.
O. Gaudoin, C. Lavergne, J.L. Soler : "A new class of models for software reliability"
Fifth International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, Toulouse, July 1990.
O. Gaudoin : "Modèles stochastiques pour l'évaluation de la fiabilité des logiciels"
2èmes rencontres Algéro-Françaises de Recherche Opérationnelle, Alger, Algeria, May 1990.
O. Gaudoin, J.L. Soler : "Analyse statistique d'un modèle de fiabilité des logiciels"
21èmes journées de Statistique, Rennes, May 1989.