Jan 1, 2014 · 2 min read

This research project aims at the development, analysis and software implementation of mathematical models for multiscale applications on hybrid architectures. Large scale multiscale applications are indeed within reach with the emerging computing infrastructures, but they require accurate and robust multiscale numerical methods that take into account these new architectures. This is very challenging as current software were not designed for these methods and architectures. As a matter of fact, scientists and engineers need to manage (i) the complexity of the underlying multiscale models, usually expressed in terms of a partial differential equation (PDE) system completed with algebraic closure laws, (ii) the complexity of numerical methods used to solve the PDE systems, and finally (iii) the complexity of the low level computer science services required to have efficient software on modern hybrid hardware (e.g. multicore CPU/GPU). Robust and effective multiscale methods as well as advanced programming techniques need to be combined to fully benefit from massively hybrid parallel architectures.

Even though this project revolves around applied mathematics and multiscale numerical methods, it is truly multidisciplinary and critically requires the expertise of specialists of the applications, computer scientists and computer designers. That’s why we create a strong consortium : (i) CEA and IFP leading the large scale multiscale application specifications, (ii) UJF leading the multiscale numerical methods development and efficient implementation on hybrid architectures and finally (iii) BULL leading the benchmarking activities and ultimately the sizing of future super computing infrastructure according to nowadays constraints such as energy costs savings.