All Xs are Ys | ![]() |
All Ys are Zs | ![]() |
EliminatingC'etait bien un nouveau calcul algébrique sur des variables binaires, avec ses propres règles, différentes de celles du calcul ordinaire. Observez que Boole utilise tout de même les notations de l'algèbre classique ; celles de la logique boolénne (, we have
, All Xs are Zs.
The medicine which will produce any symptom in a healthy man, or temporarily aggravate it in one who is already suffering from it, is homeopathic to that symptom.
Hahnemann's great homeopathic law or principle ``like should be treated by like'', is now in some measure admitted by all really scientific practitionners, however they may choose to deride the word homeopathy....«Traiter le mal par le mal, admis par tous les praticiens réellement scientifiques» ? Ayant beaucoup suivi et aidé la jeune fille (de 17 ans sa cadette), Boole finit par l'épouser. Neuf ans plus tard, à la suite d'un banal refroidissement, il tombe malade. Pas de quoi s'alarmer, mais tout de même, un bon traitement homéopathique s'impose. Des années plus tard, leur plus jeune fille (bébé au moment du décès de son père) accuse.
My sister Mary Hinton, who had a friendship with her, and who collected various anecdotes about the family, told me that, in Aunt Mary Ann's [Boole's sister] view at least, the cause of father's early death was believed to have been the Missus' (Mary Everest Boole) belief in a certain crank doctor who advocated cold water cures for everything. Someone - I can't remember who - is reported to have come in and found Father ``shivering between wet sheets''. Now for myself, I am inclined to believe that this may have happened. The Everests do seem to have been a family of cranks and followers of cranks. The Missus' father apparently adored Mesmer and Hahnemann and the Missus herself ran theories to death.L'agonie de Boole «tremblant dans des draps mouillés» dure 17 jours, et il meurt de pneumonie. Plus de 40 ans après, Mary est toujours une fervente supportrice du «mal par le mal», même si elle reconnaît que quelques concessions s'imposent parfois. Dans «The message of psychic sciences to the world», elle consacre un long chapitre à l'homéopathie où elle revient avec insistance sur le traitement par le froid du refroidissement. Outre la définition de l'homéopathie reproduite ci-dessus, voici ce qu'on y lit.
The treatment for chronic coldness of the feet may consist, if the patient is strong, in making him walk for a few minutes on rough gravel in a brook ; if he is delicate and weakly, you should at bed-time first get the feet thoroughly warm by some antipathic means, and then give a shock of cold water followed by rubbing.
Thus you have a child whose circulation is defective, and who is constantly chilly. How will you correct this evil state of thing? Plunge him roughly into ice-cold water regardless of his screams? Send him out fasting after his morning bath to creep along for an hour as best he may, with benumbed limbs and a more benumbed heart, through snow and wind and early fog? keep him half the day in a fireless room insufficiently clad, by way of hardening him? and punish him for temper when he cries in sullen misery? That would be homeopathic treatment, certainly, after a fashion; and a good deal of such was practised in the early days of homeopathy and the water-cure; and even under the eyes of the founders of both systems.
If the vital energy has been by any chance overtaxed, the patient should be treated, for a time, not with homeopathic but with antipathic remedies. Thus, rubbing with snow is sufficient treatment for a frozen limb; but a man who is suffering from general exposure to cold, or chilly from over-fatique and hunger, needs warmth.
Ça fait froid dans le dos, vous ne trouvez pas ?