68 const std::map<tString,tString>& options)
const override;
76 const std::map<tString,tString>& options)
const override;
92 const std::map<tString,tString>& options)
100 const std::map<tString,tString>& options)
142 const std::array<tReal,3>& Mu0,
tUCInt tDimension
Definition: CORE_StdPtrField.h:567
This class is an outpput results generator for stoch magnet program.
Definition: CORE_Run.h:36
This class is a Test class for Stoch Microm package.
Definition: CORE_Test.h:44
virtual void getSearchingPaths(std::vector< tString > &vpaths) const
get the test path locations
Definition: CORE_Test.h:160
This class is a simulation of a beam of trajectories class for Stoch Microm package.
Definition: SM_Beam.h:46
This class is describes a a network.
Definition: SM_Network.h:18
This class is describes an operator.
Definition: SM_Operator.h:18
virtual tBoolean elementaryTests(const CORE_Run &runner, const std::map< tString, tString > &options) const override
execute the elementary tests
Definition: SM_Test.cpp:461
virtual tBoolean primaryTests(const CORE_Run &runner, const std::map< tString, tString > &options) const override
execute the primary tests
Definition: SM_Test.cpp:48
virtual void getSearchingPaths(std::vector< tString > &vpaths) const override
get the test path locations
Definition: SM_Test.h:58
create the class
Definition: SM_Test.cpp:33
tBoolean testVirtualMethods(const CORE_Run &runner, const std::map< tString, tString > &options) const
test the efficiency of the templated method vs virtual method
Definition: SM_Test.cpp:165
tBoolean linedParticlesTestCase(const CORE_Run &runner, const std::array< tReal, 3 > &Mu0, const tBoolean &hasZeeman, const tReal &J, const tBoolean &hasSelfInteraction, const tIndex &n, const tReal &h, const tString &system, const tString &noise, const tReal &T, const tReal &dt) const
test n particles on a 3D- line with system & noise function
Definition: SM_Test.cpp:553
virtual ~SM_Test(void)
destroy the class
Definition: SM_Test.cpp:37
tBoolean grid3DParticlesTestCase(const CORE_Run &runner, const tIndex &Nx, const tIndex &Ny, const tIndex &Nz, const tReal &J, const tBoolean &hasSelfInteraction, const tString &systemName, const tString &noiseName) const
test Nx x Ny x Nz particles on a 3D-grid with system & noise function
Definition: SM_Test.cpp:760
virtual tBoolean caseTests(const CORE_Run &runner, const std::map< tString, tString > &options) const override
execute the case tests
Definition: SM_Test.cpp:1017
tBoolean testEnergyOperatorsDerivatives(SM_Beam &beam, const tIndex &Nx, const tIndex &Ny, const tIndex &Nz) const
test the Energy & H relations with the formulat dE/dmu=_H on a grid of size Nx x Ny x Nz
Definition: SM_Test.cpp:393
tBoolean testDerivative(const tIndex &i, const tDimension &d, const SM_Network &network, SM_RealField &Mu, const SM_Operator &op, SM_RealField &H) const
test derivative of the operator at particle i in the direction d on the network at Mu
Definition: SM_Test.cpp:234
tBoolean validate(const CORE_Run &runner, const tString &path, const tString &prefix, const SM_Beam &beam, const tIndex &s) const
validate the s-trajectory of the beam simulations
Definition: SM_Test.cpp:936
tBoolean testOperators(const CORE_Run &runner, const std::map< tString, tString > &options) const
test the oparator by appling the formule dE/dM=-H
Definition: SM_Test.cpp:301
tBoolean testField(const CORE_Run &runner, const std::map< tString, tString > &options) const
test the field
Definition: SM_Test.cpp:145
tBoolean testNormalLaw(const CORE_Run &runner, const std::map< tString, tString > &options) const
test the normal law
Definition: SM_Test.cpp:84
#define tIndex
Definition: types.h:157
#define tString
Definition: types.h:147
#define tBoolean
Definition: types.h:151
#define tReal
Definition: types.h:137