C++ main module for stochmagnet Package  1.0



  Version of the software with implementation of :
          - stratonovich model
          - normalized stratonivich model
          - ito model

  The magnetic moment is computed on a network of points thanks to the Landau Lifchtitz equation integrated by a stochastic euler numerical method.

  The stochastic noise implemented are:
      - no noise for deterministic simulation
      - constant noise
      - inverse noise
  The evolution of energy for any time is computed
  The studied case tests are
      - 1 particle on a line network
      - 2 particles on a line network
      - 20 particles on a line network
      - 25 particles on a grid 5x5x1 network

 The magnetic field and energy has been tested by verified that the energy verifies dE/dmu = - H and by taylor expansion of order 2 of E

 The html doc is updated.