# file genererated at 2022/06-07-16:38:35 # #LL options: #========== # #alpha:alpha value of LL(L)=alpha(m^h+beta.m^(m^h)) alpha=-1.0 #beta:beta value of LL(L)=alpha(m^h+beta.m^(m^h)) beta=0.5 # #magnetic moment options: #======================= # #mu:initial magnetic moment of the form name[args] name in {'',random} #For name: # - '' : the args are [N_0,N1,M_x,M_y_Mz] : all particles with indices in [N_0,N_1] have their magnetic moment equals to [M_x,M_y,Mz] # - 'random : the argres are [N_0,N1,seed]: all particles with indices in [N_0,N_1] have their magnetic moment equals to [urand[0,1](),urand[0,1](),urand[0,1]()] where urand() is an uniform randomizer #number of partices is 10x10 mu_0=[1,0,0] mu_1=[0,49,-1,0,0] # #network options #================ # #lambda:strength of the network. lambda=1.0 #network:kind of the network in {grid3d} followed by parameter args [Nx,Ny,Nz,Hx,Hy,Hz] where N_k is the number of particles in the k-direction and H_k the space step size in the direction k # network=grid3d[10,10,1,1,1,1] # #Heissenberg operator options #============================= # #J:Heissenberg value. J=0.0 #self-interaction:true for self interaction for the Heissenberg operator self-interaction=true # #Zeeman operator options #======================== # #Hext: constant external field magnetic field Hext=[0,0,0] # #stochastic options #================== # #model:stochastic model in {ito,stratonovich,stratonovich-n} model=ito #noise:stochastic noise in {'',constant,inverse} noise= #noise-rate:stochastic noise rate noise-rate=0. #random:random function to simulate the stochastic behavior in {boost-norma,std-normal} random=boost-normal #seed:seed of the random function seed=0 #time stepper options #==================== # #stepper:kind of the time stepper in {constant} stepper=constant #steppers-number:number of time steps steppers-number=10000 #time-step:initial time step time-step=0.01 #simulations:simulation indices to save simulations=[0] #beam options #============ #simulations-number:number of simulations simulations-number=1 #data input options #================= #data-path:the path to read the data (not use for the version 0.10) data-path=./ output options #=============== # #output-path:the path to generate files output-path=./Output #prefix:the default prefix for reading/writing file prefix=grid10x10_J0_2000x001_stratonovichn #log:{no,screen,file,string,all} outut for message log=file #log-file:the name of the log file log-file=log.txt #log-file-mode:{create|append} create or append to a new file for log printing log-file-mode=create #verbose:{error,warning,comment,all} type of message to print verbose=all # #testing options #=============== # #check-memory:{true|false} print the object not destroyed at exit check-memory=false #eps:admissive error for code validation eps=1.e-12 #reference-path:the path to store reference file for code validation reference-path=./