C++ main module for emicrom Package  1.0
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #ifndef CORE_String_H
2 #define CORE_String_H
5 #include "CORE_Object.h"
6 #include "CORE_Pointers.h"
8 #include "CORE_Integer.h"
9 #include "CORE_Real.h"
10 #include "CORE_Complex.h"
59 class CORE_String : public CORE_Object {
64  private:
66  vector<tString>::iterator mTokenIndex;
67  vector<tString> mSeparators;
68  vector<tString> mTokenizer;
72 private:
77 public:
80  CORE_String();
83  CORE_String(const tString& str);
87  ~CORE_String();
89 protected:
93 public:
96  static inline SP::CORE_String New() {
97  SP::CORE_String ret(new CORE_String(""),CORE_String::Delete());
98  //ret->mThis=WP::CORE_String(ret);
99  return ret;
100  };
103  static inline SP::CORE_String New(const tString& str) {
104  SP::CORE_String p(new CORE_String(str),CORE_String::Delete());
105  return p;
106  };
110 public:
112  // accessor operators
113  // ==================
117  inline const char& operator[](const tUIndex& i) const {
118  ASSERT_IN(i<mString.length());
119  return mString[i];
120  };
125  inline char& operator[](const tUIndex& i) {
126  ASSERT_IN(i<mString.length());
127  return mString[i];
128  };
130  //equal operator
131  //===============
135  inline CORE_String& operator=(const tString& s) {
136  mString=s;
137  return (*this);
138  }
141  inline CORE_String& operator=(const CORE_String& s) {
142  mString=s.getString();
143  return (*this);
144  }
147  inline CORE_String& operator=(SP::CORE_String s) {
148  if (s.get()!=null)
149  mString=s->getString();
150  return (*this);
151  }
153  //arithmetic operator
154  //===================
157  inline CORE_String& operator+=(const CORE_String& s) {
158  append(s.getString());
159  return (*this);
160  };
163  inline CORE_String& operator+=(const tString& s) {
164  append(s);
165  return (*this);
166  };
169  inline CORE_String& operator+=(SP::CORE_String s) {
170  if (s.get()!=null) append(s->getString());
171  return (*this);
172  };
176  inline CORE_String& operator-=(const CORE_String& s) {
177  removeAll(mString,s.getString());
178  return (*this);
179  };
182  inline CORE_String& operator-=(const tString& s) {
183  removeAll(mString,s);
184  return (*this);
185  };
188  inline CORE_String& operator-=(SP::CORE_String s) {
189  if (s.get()!=null) removeAll(mString,s->getString());
190  return (*this);
191  };
195  // ===========
198  inline void setString(const tString& str) {
199  mString=str;
200  };
203  inline void setString(const char* str) {
204  mString.clear();
205  mString.append(str);
206  };
210 public:
214  inline const tString& getString() const {
215  return mString;
216  };
219 public:
223  virtual tString toString() const {
224  return mString;
225  };
232  inline char * toCharArray() const {
233  return stringToCharArray(mString);
234  };
239  static char * stringToCharArray(const tString& str);
243  inline void tokenize(const tString& separator) {
244  tUIndex i,n=separator.length();
245  mSeparators.resize(n);
246  for (i=0;i<n;i++) {
247  mSeparators[i]=separator.substr(i,1);
248  }
249  tokenize();
250  }
253  void tokenize();
257  inline tUIndex getTokensCount() const {
258  return mTokenizer.size();
259  }
262  inline tUIndex getTokensNumber() const {
263  return mTokenizer.size();
264  }
266  inline void begin() {
267  mTokenIndex=mTokenizer.begin();
268  }
272  inline tBoolean hasNextToken() const {
273  return (mTokenIndex!=mTokenizer.end());
274  }
278  inline tString nextToken() {
279  tString &ret=(*mTokenIndex);
280  mTokenIndex++;
281  return ret;
282  };
286  inline tString getToken(const tUIndex& index) {
287  return mTokenizer[index];
288  };
292  inline void replaceAll(const tString& strToReplace,
293  const tString& str) {
294  replaceAll(mString,strToReplace,str);
295  };
298  inline void replaceFirst(const tString& strToReplace,
299  const tString& str) {
300  replaceFirst(mString,strToReplace,str);
301  };
304  inline void replaceLast(const tString& strToReplace,
305  const tString& str) {
306  replaceLast(mString,strToReplace,str);
307  };
310  static void replaceAll(tString& inOutValue,
311  const tString& strToReplace,
312  const tString& str);
315  static void replaceFirst(tString& inOutValue,
316  const tString& strToReplace,
317  const tString& str);
320  static void replaceLast(tString& inOutValue,
321  const tString& strToReplace,
322  const tString& str);
327  static tUInteger getOccurencesNumber(const tString& str,
328  const tString& occ);
335  static tString toString(const tString& str,const tUIndex& len) {
336  tString ret(str);
337  tUIndex i,n=str.size();
338  for (i=n;i<len;i++) ret+=" ";
339  return ret;
340  };
345  inline static void toUpper(tString& s) {
346  std::transform(s.begin(), s.end(),
347  s.begin(), ::toupper);
348  };
353  inline void toUpper() {
354  toUpper(mString);
355  };
359  static inline void toLower(tString& s) {
360  std::transform(s.begin(), s.end(),
361  s.begin(), ::tolower);
362  };
365  inline void toLower() {
366  toLower(mString);
367  };
373  inline static tString toString(const char* c) {
374  tString s(c);
375  return s;
376  };
379  inline static tString toString(const tBoolean& c) {
380  return boolean2String(c);
381  };
384  inline static tString toString(const tChar& c) {
385  return CORE_Integer::toString((int) c);
386  // char *cs=new char[2];
387  // cs[0]=c;
388  // cs[1]='\0';
389  // tString ret(cs);
390  // delete[] cs;
391  // return ret;
392  };
396  inline static tString toString(const tUChar& c) {
397  return CORE_Integer::toString((int)c);
398  };
403  inline static tString toString(const tSInt& c) {
404  return CORE_Integer::toString(c);
405  };
408  inline static tString toString(const tUSInt& c) {
409  return CORE_Integer::toString(c);
410  };
413  inline static tString toString(const tInt& c) {
414  return CORE_Integer::toString(c);
415  };
418  inline static tString toString(const tUInt& c) {
419  return CORE_Integer::toString(c);
420  };
424  inline static tString toString(const tLInt& c) {
425  return CORE_Integer::toString(c);
426  };
429  inline static tString toString(const tULInt& c) {
430  return CORE_Integer::toString(c);
431  };
434  inline static tString toString(const tLLInt& c) {
435  return CORE_Integer::toString(c);
436  };
439  inline static tString toString(const tULLInt& c) {
440  return CORE_Integer::toString(c);
441  };
444  inline static tString toString(const tFloat& c) {
445  return CORE_Real::toString(c);
446  };
449  inline static tString toString(const tDouble& c) {
450  return CORE_Real::toString(c);
451  };
454  inline static tString toString(const tLDouble& c) {
455  return CORE_Real::toString(c);
456  };
460  inline static tString boolean2String(const tBoolean& c) {
461  return (c ? "true" : "false");
462  };
465  inline static tString booleanToString(const tBoolean& c) {
466  return boolean2String(c);
467  };
470  inline static tBoolean string2Boolean(const tString& c) {
471  if (c.compare("true")==0) return true;
472  else if (c.compare("1")==0) return true;
473  else return false;
474  };
477  inline static tBoolean stringToBoolean(const tString& c) {
478  return string2Boolean(c);
479  };
483  inline static tString toString(const tComplex& c) {
484  return CORE_Complex::toString(c);
485  };
488  inline static tString toString(const tString& c) {
489  return c;
490  };
493  inline static tString toString(const tLDouble* c,const tUInteger& n) {
494  tString ret="{";
495  if (n>0) {
496  for (tUInteger i=0;i<n-1;i++) ret+=CORE_Real::toString(c[i])+",";
497  ret+=CORE_Real::toString(c[n-1]);
498  }
499  ret+="}";
500  return ret;
501  };
504  inline static void parse(const tString& str,tUChar& c) {
506  };
509  inline static void parse(const tString& str,tSInt& c) {
510  c=(tSInt) CORE_Integer::parseInt(str);
511  };
514  inline static void parse(const tString& str,tUSInt& c) {
516  };
519  inline static void parse(const tString& str,tInt& c) {
520  c=(tInt) CORE_Integer::parseInt(str);
521  };
524  inline static void parse(const tString& str,tLInt& c) {
525  c=(tLInt) CORE_Integer::parseInt(str);
526  };
529  inline static void parse(const tString& str,tLLInt& c) {
531  };
534  inline static void parse(const tString& str,tUInt& c) {
535  c=(tUInt) CORE_Integer::parseInt(str);
536  };
539  inline static void parse(const tString& str,tULInt& c) {
541  };
544  inline static void parse(const tString& str,tULLInt& c) {
546  };
549  inline static void parse(const tString& str,tBoolean& c) {
550  if (str.compare("true")==0) c=true;
551  else if (str.compare("false")==0) c=false;
552  else c=(tBoolean) CORE_Integer::parseInt(str);
553  };
556  inline static void parse(const tString& str,tChar& c) {
557  c=str[0];
558  };
561  inline static void parse(const tString& str,tFloat& c) {
562  c=(tFloat) CORE_Real::parseReal(str);
563  };
566  inline static void parse(const tString& str,tDouble& c) {
567  c=(tDouble) CORE_Real::parseReal(str);
568  };
571  inline static void parse(const tString& str,tLDouble& c) {
573  };
576  inline static void parse(const tString& str,tString& c) {
577  c=tString(str);
578  };
581  inline static void parse(const tString& str,tComplex& c) {
583  };
588  inline tUIndex indexOf(const tString& v) const {
589  return mString.find(v);
591  };
595  inline tUIndex lastIndexOf(const tString& v) const {
596  return mString.rfind(v);
598  };
602  inline tUIndex getLastIndexOf(const tString& v) const {
603  return mString.rfind(v);
605  };
609  static inline tUIndex getLastIndexOf(const tString& str,
610  const tString& v) {
611  return str.rfind(v);
613  };
616  inline tUIndex indexOf(const tString& v,
617  const tUIndex& fromIndex) const {
618  return mString.find(v,fromIndex);
620  };
627  static tString keepOnlyFirstLines(const tString& str,
628  const tUIndex& nLines,
629  tBoolean& isTruncated);
633  inline void remove(const tUIndex& from,
634  const tUIndex& to) {
635  mString.erase(from,to-from+1);
636  };
639  inline void remove(const tUIndex& index) {
640  mString=mString.erase(index,1);
641  };
644  static void removeAll(tString& inOutStr,const tString& strToRemove);
648  static void truncate(tString& text,const tUInteger &nLines,const tUInteger& nCharsByLine);
653  inline static tString substring(const tString& str,
654  const tUIndex& from,
655  const tUIndex& to) {
656  return str.substr(from,to-from);
657  };
661  inline tString substring(const tUIndex& from,
662  const tUIndex& to) const {
663  return mString.substr(from,to-from);
664  };
667  inline tString substring(const tUIndex& from) const {
668  return mString.substr(from);
669  };
674  inline char charAt(const tUIndex& index) const {
675  return (*this)[index];
676  };
679  inline tUIndex length() const {
680  return mString.length();
681  };
684  inline void append(const tString& v) {
685  mString.append(v);
686  }
689  inline void append(const char& v) {
690  mString.append(&v,1);
691  }
694  static void trim(tString& str);
698  inline void trim() {
699  trim(mString);
700  }
704  static int readInteger(const tString& v);
708  static tReal readReal(const tString& v);
712  inline static tBoolean isLetter(const char& v) {
713  return ( ((v>='a') && (v<='z')) ||
714  ((v>='A') && (v<='Z'))
715  );
716  }
719  inline static tBoolean isDigit(const char& v) {
720  return (((v>='0') && (v<='9')) || (v=='-') || (v=='+'));
722  }
725 public:
728 private:
730  /* \brief search the first token
731  * @param[in] words : words to find the first token
732  * @param[out] sepLength: number of chars of the separator found
733  * @return the index of the first seperator found in words
734  */
735  tUIndex findFirstSeparator(const tString& words,tUIndex& sepLength) const;
736 };
739 #endif // end of ifndef
this class describes a string
Definition: CORE_String.h:59
CORE_String & operator+=(const CORE_String &s)
append the s String to the end
Definition: CORE_String.h:157
static void parse(const tString &str, tLDouble &c)
parse long double c in str
Definition: CORE_String.h:571
void begin()
Definition: CORE_String.h:266
static tString boolean2String(const tBoolean &c)
return the string representation true or false of boolean c
Definition: CORE_String.h:460
static tString substring(const tString &str, const tUIndex &from, const tUIndex &to)
return the string between from & to indices from index is included, to is not
Definition: CORE_String.h:653
static tString toString(const tString &c)
return the string representation of string c
Definition: CORE_String.h:488
CORE_String & operator=(const tString &s)
set the string to s
Definition: CORE_String.h:135
void replaceAll(const tString &strToReplace, const tString &str)
replace all instances of strToReplace by str
Definition: CORE_String.h:292
static tUIndex getLastIndexOf(const tString &str, const tString &v)
return the last index of v fin this->mString if not exists return CORE_Object::getMaxUIndex(); ...
Definition: CORE_String.h:609
static tLLInt parseInt(const tString &str)
return the integer associated to the string
Definition: CORE_Integer.cpp:102
#define tLDouble
Definition: types.h:54
static tString toString(const tBoolean &c)
return the string representation of char
Definition: CORE_String.h:379
static void parse(const tString &str, tString &c)
parse tString c in str
Definition: CORE_String.h:576
#define tDouble
Definition: types.h:52
static tString toString(const tLDouble *c, const tUInteger &n)
return the string representation of long double c
Definition: CORE_String.h:493
static void parse(const tString &str, tInt &c)
parse int c in str
Definition: CORE_String.h:519
static void parse(const tString &str, tULInt &c)
parse unsigned long c in str
Definition: CORE_String.h:539
static tString toString(const tDouble &c)
return the string representation of double c
Definition: CORE_String.h:449
static tComplex parseComplex(const tString &str)
return the complex associated to the string
Definition: CORE_Complex.cpp:41
#define tUInteger
Definition: types.h:91
static void parse(const tString &str, tUChar &c)
parse unsigned char c in str
Definition: CORE_String.h:504
tString toString() const
return the string associated to the real
Definition: CORE_Complex.h:111
static tBoolean string2Boolean(const tString &c)
return the booleazn corresponding to string
Definition: CORE_String.h:470
CORE_String & operator-=(SP::CORE_String s)
remove the s tring from this string
Definition: CORE_String.h:188
static tString toString(const tLInt &c)
return the string representation of long c
Definition: CORE_String.h:424
#define tFloat
Definition: types.h:50
tString getToken(const tUIndex &index)
get the token at index
Definition: CORE_String.h:286
#define tComplex
Definition: types.h:120
vector< tString >::iterator mTokenIndex
Definition: CORE_String.h:66
static tLDouble parseReal(const tString &str)
return the real associated to the string
Definition: CORE_Real.h:201
void toLower()
turn the string to lower case
Definition: CORE_String.h:365
tString substring(const tUIndex &from, const tUIndex &to) const
return the string between from & to indices from index is included, to is not
Definition: CORE_String.h:661
tUIndex findFirstSeparator(const tString &words, tUIndex &sepLength) const
Definition: CORE_String.cpp:39
#define tUSInt
Definition: types.h:28
void trim()
Definition: CORE_String.h:698
void replaceFirst(const tString &strToReplace, const tString &str)
replace first instance of strToReplace by str
Definition: CORE_String.h:298
#define tBoolean
Definition: types.h:139
static void parse(const tString &str, tSInt &c)
parse short c in str
Definition: CORE_String.h:509
static tString toString(const tULInt &c)
return the string representation of unsigned long c
Definition: CORE_String.h:429
#define tLInt
Definition: types.h:42
static void parse(const tString &str, tLInt &c)
parse long c in str
Definition: CORE_String.h:524
tUIndex length() const
get the size of the size
Definition: CORE_String.h:679
virtual tString toString() const
return the string associated to the string
Definition: CORE_String.h:223
tUIndex indexOf(const tString &v, const tUIndex &fromIndex) const
return the index of char v in this->mString from fromIndex index
Definition: CORE_String.h:616
create a string
Definition: CORE_String.cpp:16
static tString keepOnlyFirstLines(const tString &str, const tUIndex &nLines, tBoolean &isTruncated)
keep only the first lines of parameter str
Definition: CORE_String.cpp:331
tString toString() const
return the string associated to the integer
Definition: CORE_Integer.h:106
static void parse(const tString &str, tBoolean &c)
parse boolean c in str
Definition: CORE_String.h:549
#define null
Definition: types.h:144
static void parse(const tString &str, tUSInt &c)
parse short c in str
Definition: CORE_String.h:514
void toUpper()
turn the string to upper case
Definition: CORE_String.h:353
CORE_String & operator-=(const CORE_String &s)
remove the s tring from this string
Definition: CORE_String.h:176
tString substring(const tUIndex &from) const
return the string from index
Definition: CORE_String.h:667
Definition: CORE_String.cpp:27
tString nextToken()
return the next token
Definition: CORE_String.h:278
tUIndex lastIndexOf(const tString &v) const
return the last index of v fin this->mString if not exists return CORE_Object::getMaxUIndex(); ...
Definition: CORE_String.h:595
static tString toString(const char *c)
return the string representation of char
Definition: CORE_String.h:373
void replaceLast(const tString &strToReplace, const tString &str)
replace last instance of strToReplace by str
Definition: CORE_String.h:304
tUIndex getTokensNumber() const
get the number of tokens
Definition: CORE_String.h:262
static void parse(const tString &str, tFloat &c)
parse float c in str
Definition: CORE_String.h:561
tUIndex indexOf(const tString &v) const
return the first index of v fin this->mString if not exists return CORE_Object::getMaxUIndex(); ...
Definition: CORE_String.h:588
static void parse(const tString &str, tComplex &c)
parse tComplex c in str
Definition: CORE_String.h:581
static tString toString(const tComplex &c)
return the string representation of complex c
Definition: CORE_String.h:483
static tString toString(const tUSInt &c)
return the string representation of unisgned short c
Definition: CORE_String.h:408
#define tULInt
Definition: types.h:39
#define SP_OBJECT(X)
Definition: CORE_Pointers.h:203
const char & operator[](const tUIndex &i) const
get the i-th element Assert in (i<size());
Definition: CORE_String.h:117
static SP::CORE_String New(const tString &str)
build an integer object
Definition: CORE_String.h:103
#define tLLInt
Definition: types.h:47
#define tSInt
Definition: types.h:30
static void parse(const tString &str, tULLInt &c)
parse unsigned long long c in str
Definition: CORE_String.h:544
void tokenize(const tString &separator)
tokenize the string with the separator
Definition: CORE_String.h:243
static tReal readReal(const tString &v)
read only real characters if not a real return 0
Definition: CORE_String.cpp:285
static tString toString(const tFloat &c)
return the string representation of float c
Definition: CORE_String.h:444
#define tUChar
Definition: types.h:20
static void parse(const tString &str, tDouble &c)
parse double c in str
Definition: CORE_String.h:566
#define tUInt
Definition: types.h:33
CORE_String & operator+=(const tString &s)
append the s String to the end
Definition: CORE_String.h:163
static void toUpper(tString &s)
to upper
Definition: CORE_String.h:345
CORE_String & operator+=(SP::CORE_String s)
append the s String to the end
Definition: CORE_String.h:169
static int readInteger(const tString &v)
read only integer characters
Definition: CORE_String.cpp:231
static tUInteger getOccurencesNumber(const tString &str, const tString &occ)
get the number of occurence of the string
Definition: CORE_String.cpp:202
static tString toString(const tUInt &c)
return the string representation of unsigned int c
Definition: CORE_String.h:418
void append(const tString &v)
append the string v to the string
Definition: CORE_String.h:684
char & operator[](const tUIndex &i)
get the i-th element Assert in (i<size());
Definition: CORE_String.h:125
#define tUIndex
Definition: types.h:126
static tString booleanToString(const tBoolean &c)
return the string representation true or false of boolean c
Definition: CORE_String.h:465
static tString toString(const tString &str, const tUIndex &len)
return the string associated to the string
Definition: CORE_String.h:335
static tString toString(const tChar &c)
return the string representation of char c
Definition: CORE_String.h:384
CORE_String & operator=(const CORE_String &s)
set the string to s
Definition: CORE_String.h:141
void setString(const char *str)
set the integer to i
Definition: CORE_String.h:203
tUIndex getTokensCount() const
get the number of tokens
Definition: CORE_String.h:257
void setString(const tString &str)
set the integer to i
Definition: CORE_String.h:198
static tString toString(const tSInt &c)
return the string representation of short c
Definition: CORE_String.h:403
abstract base class for most classes.
Definition: CORE_Object.h:53
#define tString
Definition: types.h:135
tString mString
Definition: CORE_String.h:65
#define tChar
Definition: types.h:23
void append(const char &v)
append the char v to the string
Definition: CORE_String.h:689
static tBoolean stringToBoolean(const tString &c)
return the booleazn corresponding to string
Definition: CORE_String.h:477
char * toCharArray() const
turn the string into char array
Definition: CORE_String.h:232
static void parse(const tString &str, tChar &c)
parse char c in str
Definition: CORE_String.h:556
static tString toString(const tInt &c)
return the string representation of int c
Definition: CORE_String.h:413
static SP::CORE_String New()
create a class String
Definition: CORE_String.h:96
static void toLower(tString &s)
to lower
Definition: CORE_String.h:359
tString toString() const
return the string associated to the real
Definition: CORE_Real.h:97
static void parse(const tString &str, tUInt &c)
parse unsigned int c in str
Definition: CORE_String.h:534
static tString toString(const tULLInt &c)
return the string representation of unsigned long long c
Definition: CORE_String.h:439
static void truncate(tString &text, const tUInteger &nLines, const tUInteger &nCharsByLine)
truncate the message with nLines of nChars
Definition: CORE_String.cpp:363
CORE_String & operator=(SP::CORE_String s)
set the string to s
Definition: CORE_String.h:147
tBoolean hasNextToken() const
return true if there is another token
Definition: CORE_String.h:272
char charAt(const tUIndex &index) const
return the char at index
Definition: CORE_String.h:674
vector< tString > mSeparators
Definition: CORE_String.h:67
static tString toString(const tLDouble &c)
return the string representation of long double c
Definition: CORE_String.h:454
static void parse(const tString &str, tLLInt &c)
parse long long c in str
Definition: CORE_String.h:529
const tString & getString() const
get the string
Definition: CORE_String.h:214
vector< tString > mTokenizer
Definition: CORE_String.h:68
#define tULLInt
Definition: types.h:45
static char * stringToCharArray(const tString &str)
turn the string into char array
Definition: CORE_String.cpp:31
static void removeAll(tString &inOutStr, const tString &strToRemove)
remove the char at index
Definition: CORE_String.cpp:155
#define tInt
Definition: types.h:35
CORE_String & operator-=(const tString &s)
remove the s tring from this string
Definition: CORE_String.h:182
static tBoolean isDigit(const char &v)
return if the char is a digit
Definition: CORE_String.h:719
tUIndex getLastIndexOf(const tString &v) const
return the last index of v fin this->mString if not exists return CORE_Object::getMaxUIndex(); ...
Definition: CORE_String.h:602
#define tReal
Definition: types.h:118
static tString toString(const tUChar &c)
return the string representation of unsigned char c
Definition: CORE_String.h:396
static tString toString(const tLLInt &c)
return the string representation of long long c
Definition: CORE_String.h:434
void tokenize()
tokenize the string
Definition: CORE_String.cpp:68
#define ASSERT_IN(a)
Definition: types.h:196
class Free introduced for deleting a smart pointer
Definition: CORE_Object.h:141
static tBoolean isLetter(const char &v)
return if the char is a letter
Definition: CORE_String.h:712