Fig. 1 : [left] A viscoelastic fluid (e.g. a liquid polymer) flowing through an abrupt contraction ;
[right] A yield stress fluid (e.g. mud) flowing around an obstacle ; adaptive mesh
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Fig. 2 : Couette inversion for a suspension (experimental data from F. Blanc et al.).
Fig. 3 : A britle-viscoelastic model for the ice (Dansereau, Saramito, Weiss).
Fractures appear and propagate during an uniaxial compression : view of the deformation.
Fig. 4 : Simulation of volcanic lava flows (Bernabeu, Saramito, Smutek).
Fig. 5 : Gastrulation of a drosophila embryon: comparison between observation (op) and simulation (bottom).
Fig. 6 : Foam flow around an obstacle: (top) simulation (Cheddadi, Saramito, Graner); (bottom) experiment.
Fig. 7 : Tumbling of red blood cells and vesicle under shear flow:
(top) experiment (Abkarian and Viallat, 2008);
(bottom) simulation (Laadhari, Saramito, Misbah).
Fig. 8 : Snow avalanche with aerosol and mesh adaptation (click on the images to enlarge).