This is Ludovic Métivier's webpage

Image LMetivier


Welcome to my homepage. I am a permanent CNRS researcher in applied mathematics. I work at LJK and ISTerre labs, respectively the Applied Maths lab and Earth Science lab of Univ. Grenoble Alpes, in Grenoble, France. I am an active member of the SIAM, SEG, and EAGE.

My scientific activities focus mainly on seismic wave propagation modeling and inversion. Recently, I have been investigating the use of optimal transport distances in the frame of seismic imaging.

I currently lead the high resolution seismic imaging project SEISCOPE together with Romain Brossier.

I am also involved in the ANR project HIWAI dedicated to the study of homogeneization methods in the frame of full waveform modeling and inversion, as well as in the European project ENERXICO, dedicated to the design of high performance computing methods for applications in energy in cooperation with Mexico.

I am member of the editorial board of Geophysical Journal International as associate editor since 2016.

I am in the organizing committee of the SIAM Conference on Mathematical & Computational Issues in the Geosciences (GS21).

I am in the scientific committee of the ``Institut des Mathématiques pour la Planète Terre'' who was recently set up. The vocation of this institute is to foster interactions between mathematicians and scientists from other fields, around thematics related to the Earth. The first call for fundings is launched, you can find the details here.

I was awarded a Médaille de Bronze du CNRS in 2019.

e-mail: ludovic.metivier(at)
mail: LJK, 700 Avenue Centrale, Campus de Saint Martin d'Hères, 38401 Domaine Universitaire de Saint-Martin-d'Hères
phone: +33 4 57 42 17 67


Here you can find the current version of my lecture notes on geophysical imaging. It is a 18 hours course at Master 2 level I am giving in the Master MSIAM of Univ. Grenoble Alpes.

I also add the slides of the ongoing sessions in the following

And here is a link to a FORTRAN code for 2D VTI elastic wave propagation modeling. The first-order velocity-stress formulation is used. The equations are discretized following a second-order staggered grid finite-differences approach.


I was invited in February 2021 to give a 1 hour presentation in the Oberwolfach workshop on Optimal transport in the Natural Sciences. The topic is ``Optimal transport for seismic imaging using full waveform inversion''. You can find a video of this presentation here.

In 2018, I also recorded a shorter e-lecture on a similar topic for the EAGE. You can find it here.


Here you can find my CV (French version)


Here is a link to my publication list with most of the preprints available.


Here is another link to a list of published conference abstracts.

HDR and PhD

Here you can find my HDR manuscript and my PhD manuscript


Here is a link to the SEISCOPE OPTIMIZATION toolbox