SIMC: Sparse Integer Matrices Collection

DOI: 10.18709/PERSCIDO.2017.11.DS185
Format  kaki
  A sparse matrix format is used which consists of a series of triples (the format is called SMS, Sparse/Symbolic Matrix Storage). The first triple is number of rows, number of columns, and a letter ("M" for integer/modular, "R" for rational, etc.). The following triples signify non-zero entries and have the form row-index, col-index, value. They must be in increasing lexicographical order. The last triple is ``0 0 0'' used as an end marker.
For example :

32 3200 M
1 1 345
1 2 -23
2 1 77
2 200 31
30 3101 11
0 0 0
denotes a 32 by 3200 matrix with 5 non-zero entries, three of which are clustered at the top left.
Matrices  kaki
Sparse Integer Matrix Collection
Sparse Integer Matrix Collection
Sparse Integer Matrix Collection
Sparse Integer Matrix Collection
Sparse Integer Matrix Collection
Sparse Integer Matrix Collection
Sparse Integer Matrix Collection
Sparse Integer Matrix Collection
Sparse Integer Matrix Collection
Sparse Integer Matrix Collection
Sparse Integer Matrix Collection
Sparse Integer Matrix Collection
Sparse Integer Matrix Collection
Sparse Integer Matrix Collection
  • GL7d: differentials of the Voronoï complex of the perfect forms of rank 7 modulo GL_7(Z) equivalences (related to the cohomology of GL_7(Z) and the K-theory of Z) from Philippe Elbaz-Vincent.
  • GL6.
  • SL6.
  • BasisLIB: rational sparse linear systems arising in linear programming applications from Dan Steffy.
  • Mgn: homology of the moduli space of smooth algebraic curves Mg,n using the Penner fatgraph complex. Since there is no canonical labeling of the graphs, the matrices are well-defined up to a permutation of rows and columns. The matrix labelled "Mg,n-Dk" relates graphs having k+1 edges with graphs having k edges; some matrices have been omitted since they are null. From Riccardo Murri.
  • Prym-can: On the Koszul cohomology of canonical and Prym-canonical binary curves by Elisabetta Colombo and Paola Frediani.
  • Smooshed: Boundary matrices from smooshed CW complexes. The complexes themselves are alexander duals of independence complexes of hypergraphs. From Oliver Thistlethwaite.
Software  kaki
  • LinBox: algorithms and software for symbolic linear algebra.
  • FFLAS-FFPACK: Finite field linear algebra subroutines/package.
  • GBLA library for matrices generated during Gröbner basis computations in algorithms like F4 or F5.
Collections  kaki

Last update: Friday, May 03, 2019