A 3 x 60 tour of optimal design (Autrans 06/03 - 08/03)

General information

The meeting takes place in La Buffe, a beautiful hotel in the no less beautiful village Autrans (Vercors), about one hour drive from Grenoble.

Accomodation: The complete stay (room + meals) is ensured by the organizers!

Venue: The transport to / from Grenoble (and then to/from the center) is a priori left to the attendants. Please contact us in case of difficulty! To reach the center from Grenoble train station, there are mainly two options:
  • Local buses (bus T64 followed by T66 with a change in Lans-en-Vercors) run several times a day from Grenoble bus station (next to the train station) to Autrans, and conversely; see the webpage for more information.

  • Several taxi companies can take care of the trip (the cost is about 100 euros):
In order to share taxis, or car transfer, please fill in the form.

For any question, do not hesitate to contact the organizers:
  • Yves Capdeboscq (yves.capdeboscq[AT]u-paris.fr)
  • Charles Dapogny (charles.dapogny[AT]univ-grenoble-alpes.fr)
  • Frédéric de Gournay (degourna[AT]insa-toulouse.fr)

Tentative program