Introduction to CVS : http://www.cvshome.org/docs/blandy.html
La très bonne page de A. Cadiou : http://www.codiciel.fr/gestion/cvs/cvs.html
Here is also a mini CVS documentation :

Either with a pserver running
1a/ Define the CVSROOT variable. Ex on csh;
> setenv CVSROOT :pserver:jgdumas@mandelbrot.imag.fr:/local/cvs
This can be added to your .cshrc

2a/ Log in the server
> cvs login
You must provide the password.

3a/ First connexion: get a local copy of the files
> cvs checkout COSYM
This builds a COSYM directory on your machine.

4a/ Log out
> cvs logout

Or using ssh
1-4b/ Get a local copy of the files
cvs -d :ext:jgdumas@mandelbrot.imag.fr:/local/cvs checkout COSYM

5/ Work locally on the files

6/ Send your modification to the server
> cvs commit
This asks you to edit a log file, looking like this:

CVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
CVS: Enter Log. Lines beginning with `CVS:' are removed automatically
CVS: Committing in .
CVS: Modified Files:
CVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------

You can add comments on your modifications.

7/ Get a log of all the modifications (with file version numbers)
> cvs log myfile.tex

8/ Have a look at others' modifications
> cvs diff myfile.tex

9/ Have a look at older modifications (where x.yy is the file version number)
> cvs diff -r x.yy myfile.tex

10/ Get all others' modifications
> cvs update

11/ Adding or removing files to the directory
> cvs add mynewfile.tex
> cvs remove theoldfile.tex